Scientific Projects (FCT)
EXPL/MAT-PUR/0584/2021 - Matrix Pencils and Control Theory
Projecto Exploratório - EXPL/MAT-PUR/0584/2021
PI: Marija Dodig
Period: 01-03-2022 to 16-05-2024
Funding: 42k
EXLY - New trends in Lyapunov exponents
PI: Pedro Duarte
Period: 01/09/2018 to 30/08/2021
Funding: 230K €
QuantumG - Irregular connections on algebraic curves and quantum field theory
Co-PI: Carlos Florentino
Funding: 223K €
ImproveOR - Building decision support tools for improved operating room management
Funding: 23K for Unit (Members)
(NP)2DEs - New perspectives in Nonlinear PDEs non compensated optimal transport, reaction-diffusion systems and nonlocal equations
Funding: 35K € for Unit (Members)
SEROW – Sectoring and Routing Optimisation for Waste Management – theory into practice
Funding: 65K € (PI and members)
Mathematical theory of dislocations: geometry, analysis, and modelling
The main purpose of this research project is dislocation modeling in solid bodies (single crystals). This encompasses analytical and geometrical properties of dislocation-singularities, functional analysis for the incompatibility operator, incompatibility-based models of plasticity and time-evolution of dislocation sets. The mathematical tools used and developed for this purposes are PDEs, variational methods, differential geometry and topological sensitivity analysis. Nonlinear elasticity, Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics are also required and developed for such models. In general, theoretical and numerical results are sought.
FCT Starting Grant (IF/00734/2013)
PI: Nicolas Van Goethem
RORNET - Modeling Routing and Rostering with Network Flows
PI: Luís Gouveia
Period: 01.04.2016 to 01.10.2019
Funding: 199.598 €
DENFREE, WP4, Dengue research Framework for resisting Epidemics in Europe
Leader: Nico Stollenwerk
Period: an. 2012 to Dec. 2016
Funding: 384K €
Scientific Projects (Others)
Optimization Models & Algorithms for Industry 4.0
NSF Project – GEAR (Geometric Structures and Representation Scructures)
Funding: 5000K € (Members)
ERC Advanced Grant 2013 entitled: Complex Patterns for Strongly Interacting Dynamical Systems - COMPAT
Period: 2013-2018
DENFREE, WP4, Dengue research Framework for resisting Epidemics in Europe
PI and members
Period: Jan 2012 to Dec 2016
Funding: 384K €
Embedding Risk in Supply Chain Network Design Problems
Projecto de cooperação transnacional Portugal-Alemanha financiado pela FCT
Main researcher: Francisco Saldanha da Gama
Period: 2015 e 2016
Funding: 4000 €
Red Iberoamericana de Logística Inteligente en la Gestión Sostenible del Transporte en Núcleos Urbanos
Pedro Martins, member
Embedding Risk in Supply Chain Network Design Problems
Cooperation project between Germany and Portugal
Co-Pi and members
Period: 2015 and 2016
Funding: 4000 €
Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo (CYTED)
Spain, Red 515RT0489
PI: Francisco Javier Faulin Fajardo
Period: 2015-2018