Principal Investigator
List of PhD Integrated Members
Ana Cristina Barroso <>
Anca-Maria Toader <>
Carlos Sarrico <>
Cristian Barbarosie <>
Hermenegildo Oliveira <> []
Hugo Beirão da Veiga <>
Hugo Tavares <> []
João Paulo Dias <>
João Pedro Boto <>
José Francisco Rodrigues <>
Mário Figueira <>
Manuel Monteiro Marques <>
Nicolas Van Goethem <> []
Stanislav Antontsev <>
Sérgio Lopes <>
List of current PhD students
Pedro Lencastre e Silva <>
Simão Correia <>
List of other researchers of the Research Group
Adelino Paiva <>
Filipe Oliveira <>
Lisa Santos <>
Luís Saraiva <>
Paulo Amorim <>
Riccardo Scala <>
Marco Caroccia <>
Other Students
Paulo Rocha <>
Description of the Research Group
The general theme of research study of this Group is the quantitative and qualitative properties of solutions of equations and systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, with special emphasis on the evolution equations of mathematical physics. The study of the numerical approximation of the solutions of the equations is also developed, especially in the case of fluid mechanics and in problems of calculus of variations and optimization. In particular, the numerical simulation of some physical models is performed.
We emphasize the study of the existence and possible uniqueness of weak solutions of certain nonlinear systems and the systematic approach to the analysis of the possible blow-up of smooth solutions.
As examples of equations and systems we study the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, the boundary layer problem, variants of non-Newtonian fluids, the porous media equations, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, parabolic and hyperbolic equations with non-standard growth conditions, quasilinear hyperbolic equations and the Oberbeck-Boussinesq systems.
Other important aspects are the study of localization and extinction properties of solutions, and the analysis of the existence and smoothness of free boundaries.
Applications of homogenization theory to elasticity problems in order to obtain the characterization of solutions to nonlinear optimization problems in terms of microstructures.
In the context of distributional solutions, problems of existence of solitary waves for certain linear and quasilinear equations are also considered.
Another research topic is about the analytical and geometrical properties of elastic bodies with defects such as fractures or dislocations.
Most of this work is performed with a strong collaboration with reference research centers in Paris, Prague, Oxford, Rio de Janeiro and St.Petersburg, among others.
Principal Investigator
List of PhD Integrated Members
Ana Respício <> []
António Rodrigues <>
Filipa Duarte de Carvalho <>
Francisco Saldanha da Gama <>
Inês Marques <>
Isabel Martins <> <>
José Pinto Paixão <>
Liliana Ferreira <>
Luís Gouveia <>
Margarida Pato <>
Maria Cândida Mourão <> <>
Maria Eugénia Captivo <>
Margarida Moz <> <>
Maria Teresa Almeida <>
Maria Teresa Godinho <>
Marta Mesquita <>
Miguel Constantino <>
Pedro Martins <> <>
Pedro Moura <>
Pedro Patrício <> []
Pedro Castro <> [ciencias.ulisboa/node/8463]
Raquel Fonseca <>
Vítor Lopes <>
List of current PhD students
Ana Alice Bautzer <>
Ana Sofia Fonseca de Carvalho <>
Bernardo Ferreira de Almeida <>
Daniel Rebelo dos Santos <>
Margarida Silva <>
Raquel Monteiro de Nobre Costa Bernardino <>
Rui de Deus <>
Vitor Barbosa <>
List of other researchers of the Research Group
Ana Catarina Nunes <>
Anabela Costa <>
Fernando Bastos <>
João Telhada <>
José Pires <>
Manuela Oliveira <>
Maria Conceição Fonseca <>
Maria da Graça Costa <>
Maria João Cortinhal <>
Maria João Lopes <>
Sérgio Fernandes <>
Description of the Research Group
This group results from the former "OR Centre", Operational Research (CIO), that was based in the Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, was created in January 1994 with the purpose of promoting and fostering the research activity in the field of Operational Research. In 2012 the Unit had 47 integrated researchers with a PhD and 21 young members, in their majority as PhD students. The Unit had a Scientific Coordinator, a Scientific Committee composed by all the PhD researchers, an Executive Board (four members of the Scientific Committee selected by the Scientific Coordinator) and a secretariat. The Scientific Coordinator, elected for a three-year term, whom represented the Unit and supervised both the Executive Board and the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee met at least twice a year to decide and approve strategic and financial meters of the Unit. Extraordinary meetings proposed by a member of the Scientific
Committee were also scheduled. The Executive Board conceived and designed the Unit strategic plan, the Unit annual report and administers the Unit's funds. The Centre was involved in the program Ciência 2008 with 1 researcher hired.
For the merging with CMAF, the Portuguese institutions involved in the new OR Group include the recently created University of Lisbon (with members from Faculdade de Ciências, Instituto Superior de Agronomia and Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão) and Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra.
The research topics of the OR "group" have been based on the following guideline:
• To strengthen the research on Combinatorial Optimization / Discrete and Network Optimization, which are the áreas that encompass the major topics of research, and which, in turn, include research works that have been considered as a reference of the Centre.
• To look at emerging areas such as Decision Support Systems, Multicriteria Optimization, Optimization in Finance, Neural Networks and Prediction and Stochastic Optimization that are becoming more relevant in the context of Operational Research applications.
• To link theory and practice, such as Graph Theory and Integer Programming with relevant application in areas such as Biology, Chemistry, Forest Management, Health, Transport and Telecommunications.
• To promote the formation of PhD and master students To further develop the "pure" / "applied" research as well as the formation of new students, the OR group activities have included: Collaborations with Services and the Industry - members of the group have maintained and initiated new collaborations with industry, such as the Consortium SAFE PORT, fostered by NATO under the Programme "Defence Against Terrorism", the protocols between the FCUL and public institutions (DGS and Carris de Ferro de Lisboa);
Internationalization - members of the group have played an important role in the leadership of international research groups. These "positions" with a positive impact on the international visibility of the centre, impel the Centre to participate in the organization of international scientific events, such as scientific schools and conferences. In particular, it is to highlight some successful events, such as the scientific Winter Schools on "Network Optimization", Netopt2009, Netopt2011 and Netopt2013. In addition, next 2014, some members of the Centre will play an important role (chairing or co-chairing) in organizing international conferences in Lisbon, namely in the INFORMS-TELECOM, the "International Symposium in Combinatorial Optimization", the "Computational Management Science " and the "Operations Research
Applied to Health Services".
Principal Investigator
Maria Teresa de Lemos Monteiro Fernandes <>
List of PhD Integrated Members
António Manuel Bandeira Barata Alves de Araújo <>
Áurea Quintino <>
César Rodrigo Fernandez <>
M. Teresa Monteiro Fernandes <>
Orlando Neto <>
Susana Duarte Santos <>
PhD Students
Marco Mendes <>
Other PhD Researchers
Azizeh Nozad <>
Carlos Florentino <>
Daniel Ramos <>
João Cabral <>
Pedro Cristiano Silva <>
Description of the Research Group
Thematically, the group existed in 2008-12, but not under the name "Geometry", as its members were included in two groups of the former center CMAF.
There are two main direction of research within the group, with reciprocal interaction:
1) Differential and Riemanian Geometry:
Geometric formulation of the calculus of variations, and of equations obtained from the application of a variational principle in mechanics, control or field theories,with recent results on the reduction of variational principles when the Lagrangian density is invariant with respect to a Lie group action.
The study of the existence of conserved quantities of constrained Willmore surfaces, both polynomial and of formal series type, and their geometrical interpretation.
Baecklund and Darboux transformations of contrained Willmore surfaces.
2) Singularity theory and D-Module theory:
Deformations of germs of Legendrian curves on a 3-dimensional contact manifold and its generalization to higher dimensions. Relation with D-Module theory, álgebras of deformation-quantization, perverse sheaves, holomorphic families of perverse sheaves, subanalytic geometry.
Principal Investigator
List of PhD Integrated Members
Ana Cristina Barroso <>
Anca-Maria Toader <>
Carlos Sarrico <>
Cristian Barbarosie <>
Hermenegildo Oliveira <> []
Hugo Beirão da Veiga <>
Hugo Tavares <> []
João Paulo Dias <>
João Pedro Boto <>
José Francisco Rodrigues <>
Mário Figueira <>
Manuel Monteiro Marques <>
Nicolas Van Goethem <> []
Stanislav Antontsev <>
Sérgio Lopes <>
List of current PhD students
Pedro Lencastre e Silva <>
Simão Correia <>
List of other researchers of the Research Group
Adelino Paiva <>
Filipe Oliveira <>
Lisa Santos <>
Luís Saraiva <>
Paulo Amorim <>
Riccardo Scala <>
Marco Caroccia <>
Other Students
Paulo Rocha <>
Description of the Research Group
The general theme of research study of this Group is the quantitative and qualitative properties of solutions of equations and systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, with special emphasis on the evolution equations of mathematical physics. The study of the numerical approximation of the solutions of the equations is also developed, especially in the case of fluid mechanics and in problems of calculus of variations and optimization. In particular, the numerical simulation of some physical models is performed.
We emphasize the study of the existence and possible uniqueness of weak solutions of certain nonlinear systems and the systematic approach to the analysis of the possible blow-up of smooth solutions.
As examples of equations and systems we study the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, the boundary layer problem, variants of non-Newtonian fluids, the porous media equations, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, parabolic and hyperbolic equations with non-standard growth conditions, quasilinear hyperbolic equations and the Oberbeck-Boussinesq systems.
Other important aspects are the study of localization and extinction properties of solutions, and the analysis of the existence and smoothness of free boundaries.
Applications of homogenization theory to elasticity problems in order to obtain the characterization of solutions to nonlinear optimization problems in terms of microstructures.
In the context of distributional solutions, problems of existence of solitary waves for certain linear and quasilinear equations are also considered.
Another research topic is about the analytical and geometrical properties of elastic bodies with defects such as fractures or dislocations.
Most of this work is performed with a strong collaboration with reference research centers in Paris, Prague, Oxford, Rio de Janeiro and St.Petersburg, among others.
Principal investigator:
Alessandro Margheri
Carlota Rebelo
Cristina Serpa
Jorge Buescu
Luís Sanchez Rodrigues
Pedro Duarte
Other Researchers
Ana Rute Domingos <>
Program “Estímulo à Investigação”, FCG [⤴]
Diogo Caetano <>
Alexandre Simões <>
Telmo Peixe <>
Description of the Research Group
This group, with some variations in its configuration and name, has existed in CMAF for at least two decades.
It has joined together members with interests that may be assigned to one of the following areas:
-ordinary differential equations
-topological methods and their applications to nonlinear differential equations
-critical point theory, variational methods
-functional differential equations: delayed equations
-dynamical systems
Thus the group is concerned in particular with the qualitative theory of differential equations. A more extended list of keywords appearing in the group members' publications are: multiplicity, asymptotically linear systems, index theories, homoclinics and heteroclinics, distributed delays, global stability, travelling waves, Lyapunov exponents, persistence in epidemiological models, polygonal billiards, positive definite functions, computable dynamical systems theory.
The group has regular collaboration with researchers from universities in Portugal and abroad, namely Minho, Santiago de Compostela, Granada, Udine, Modena e Reggio Emilia, Bruxelles, Waseda, Szeged, Talca.
In the past, the group had precious contributions from Miguel Ramos as a member. He left an important work on variational methods applied to elliptic equations and systems. He died at 49 in January 2013.
Principal Investigator
List of PhD Integrated Members
Bruno Simões <>
Maria da Conceição Carvalho <>
Maria João Ferreira <>
Maria João Oliveira <> <>
Rui Vilela Mendes <> <>
Other PhD Researchers
Eric Anders Carlen <>
Francisco Correia dos Santos <>
Ludwig Paul Ary Evert Streit <>
Jorge Manuel dos Santos Pacheco <>
José Luís da Silva
Maria Isabel Neves Basto Simão <>
Rui Miguel Nobre Martins Pacheco <>
Sara Encarnação <> <>
Tanya Vianna de Araújo <>
Description of the Research Group
The work of the group concentrates on a variety of problems and methods in geometric and stochastic analysis, very relevant to problems arising in Mathematical Physics. We study evolution equations in kinetic theory and interface problems that often involve the development of functional inequalities, calculus of variations, stochastic processes and differential geometry. The group works on the following problems.
Optimal estimates in Statistical Mechanics and convergence to equilibrium: The Boltzmann equation has been a paradigm for nonlinear dissipative evolutions just as the heat equation has for linear dissipative evolution. Many powerful methods frequently used in PDE such as the entropy-entropy dissipation method have their roots in the Boltzmann equation. Convergence to equilibrium for solutions of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation hás been studied by many authors. A new method we introduced to study convergence for soft potentials was a way to use entropy production bounds without having pointwise lower bounds on the solution.While one has such bounds in the hard potential case, one does not in the soft potential case, arising from very long interactions. This and other new methods introduced in previous work will be developed to be applied to other dissipative evolution equations and to refine the results obtained.
Another strategy is of stochastic nature to study the rate of aproach to equilibrium for Boltzmann equation.In 1956 Kac introduced the notion of propagation of chaos and showed how this enabled to relate the rate of approach to equilibrium for a stochastic process describing random binary collisions in an N-body system.The Kac master equation for this process is linear.Kac's proposal was to estimate the rate of approach for Boltzmann eq in terms of that for the Master eq. Recent years have seen much progress in Kac program;strong information has been obtained on the rate of approach to equilibrium for the Master eq,which motivates further development of the rest of Kac program and in particular the refinement of his notion of propagation of chaos into a form that allows to deduce entropic convergence for Boltzman eq. from entropic convergence for the Master eq.It is also a goal to continue the work developed for
one-component to multicomponet interacting particle systems in the continuum towards new analytic methods and applications.
Exact solutions and nonlinear estimates for charged kinetic and fluid equations: The study of charged kinetic and fluid equations is of great interest for many technological applications.In addition to control and turbulence problems, the generation of large scale structures heavily contributes to the nature of particle and energy transport as well as disruption of steady equilibrium states.Present in experiments and in simulations of numerical codes, an understanding of the nature and control of these coherent structures can only by obtained by the construction of exact solutions and nonlinear growth estimates. The group focuses on the full Maxwell-Vlasov eqns and on reduced fluid eqns. Harmonic maps: Some mappings between Riemannian manifolds are critical points of a natural energy functional, generalizing the Dirichlet integral to the setting of Riemannian manifolds. In the late 70's, this area obtained a new
income from mathematical physics, in the guise of the non-linear sigma model or chiral model. As a consequence harmonic maps have attracted a much wider audience even beyond the mathematical community.They also have applications to the theory of liquid crystals, robotics, and stochastic processes. A recent key point about harmonic maps is the idea that the equation is an integrable system; the harmonic map equation admits a zero-curvature reformulation
and so corresponds to loops of flat connections. In this setting we deal with problems that are related with the geometry of harmonic maps into symmetric spaces.
Principal Investigator
List of PhD Integrated Members
Alexander Usvyatsov (FCT Researcher)
Amílcar Sernadas (Professor at IST — deceased Feb 7, 2017)
Bruno Dinis (Postdoctoral Researcher)
bruno DOT salsa AT gmail DOT com
Cristina Sernadas (Professor at IST)
cristina DOT sernadas AT tecnico DOT ulisboa DOT pt
Ezgi Iraz Su (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Emanuele Frittaion (Postdoctoral Researcher)
emanuelefrittaion AT gmail DOT com
Fernando Ferreira (Professor at FCUL)
fjferreira AT fc DOT ul DOT pt
Gilda Ferreira (Postdoctoral Researcher)
gmferreira AT fc DOT ul DOT pt
João Rasga (Professor at IST)
joao DOT rasga AT tecnico DOT ulisboa DOT pt
Mário Edmundo (Professor at FCUL)
PhD Students
Filipe Casal
filipe DOT casal AT tecnico DOT ulisboa DOT pt
João Enes
Pedro Pinto
pedrosantospinto AT hotmail DOT com
Sílvia Reis
silvia_r AT live DOT com DOT pt
External Collaborators
António Fernandes
Isabel Oitavem
Jaime Gaspar
Luís Pereira
lmdpereira AT fc DOT ul DOT pt
Reinhard Kahle
Description of the Research Group
The members of the Mathematical Logic group are all based at Universidade de Lisboa. It is fair to say that the group has acquired a good reputation among the centres of logic in Europe. There are three main directions in the group: proof theory, model theory and applied logic.
F. Ferreira and G. Ferreira work in proof theory, specially functional interpretations and issues like atomic polymorphism. F. Ferreira has also interests in the foundations of mathematics. B. Dinis wrote his PhD dissertation on nonstandard analysis but recently he has also showed interest in some issues of proof theory. M. Edmundo and L. Prelli work on o-minimal structures. Prelli provides an interface between model theory and real analytic geometry and, together with Edmundo, they embarked on the project of investigating the six Groethendiek operations in the o-minimal setting. A. Usvyatsov works mainly on continuous model theory and stability and has joint papers with such prominent researchers as Saharon Shelah. A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. Rasga work mainly in applied logic recently focusing on probabilistic reasoning, albeit with continued interest in some aspects of universal logic, including combination of logics and Kolmogorov complexity of derivability. A. Sernadas is also interested in quantum reasoning and computing.
The group holds a regular seminar (Seminário de Lógica Matemática), now in its 28th year. This is the main forum for the group to meet on a regular basis.
Principal Investigator
PhD integrated members
João Gomes <> <>
Maíra Aguiar <> <>
Nico Stollenwerk <> <>
Raquel Barreira <> <>
Urzsula Skwara <> <>
Teresa Alpuim <>
PhD Students
Joana Teresa de Almeida Fernandes <>
Luís Mateus <> <>
Marli Andreia Monteiro de Amorim <>
Other PhD Researchers
Helena Mouriño <>
Isabel Barão <>
Marco André da Silva Costa <>
Maria do Carmo Bandeira <>
Maria do Rosário Ramos <>
Peyman Ghaffari Ghazi Said <> <>
Ramona Marguta <>
Description of the Research Group
The "Biomathematics and Statistics Group" at CMAF-CIO, Lisbon University, works with methods from nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation analysis, stochastic processes, bio-statistics and financial statistics. Our research focusses as well on developing theoretical methods as on practical applications, covering research topics in population dynamics, eco-epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, molecular and antigenic evolution, public health management, economic systems and investigates methodical topics in the natural sciences and mathematics, like large fluctuations and strongly correlated systems (BHP distributions, after Bramwell, Holdsworth, Pinton).
The group also studies and develops research in statistical methods, mainly in the fields of linear and generalized linear models, time series analysis, spatial statistics and multivariate data analysis, in view of its application to environmental, earth, biological and health sciences. More recently, the group has focused its research also in other statistical methods, more specifically, linear and logistic regression, applied to econometrics and marketing research.
The Biomathematics & Statistics Group at CMAF-CIO develops interdisciplinary research networks in international projects, where mathematical models of infectious diseases are parametrized with epidemiological data to be used by public health authorities as a tool to understand and predict the transmission of the disease and develop and evaluate
the introduction of intervention strategies, including vector control and vaccination.
The Biomathematics & Statistics group has solid scientific collaborations with groups working on areas of theoretical biology, public health, epidemiology, and ecology for example, in different parts of the world (e.g. The Netherlands, France, England, United States, Brazil, and recently in Thailand), opening possibility for more interaction and interdisciplinarity.
Further, the group is involved in private industry projects, either via large consortia in EU projects or directly with companies.
Some members of the group are collaborating with the Health Insurance Company Multicare in a research Project which aims to study the possibility of new types of insurance, especially, related to heart and cancer diseases. This project includes epidemiological studies and pricing projections.
A PhD student is jointly financed by FCT and the private company.
Our team is highly interdisciplinary, currently consisting of 12 researchers, including 3 post-doctorates and 4 PhD students from fields like mathematics, biology, theoretical and statistical physics, and statistics.
Presently, the team is participating in 2 EU-projects under FP 7, EPIWORK ( and DENFREE (, where the PI of our group is the Work Package (WP) leader in DENFREE).
Small and Medium size companies are part of both consortia.
Other nationally financed projects (FCT) are on their way, as well as the organization of a yearly international workshop (DSABNS2010:, DSABNS2011:, DSABNS2012:, DSABNS2013:, and in planning DSABNS2014: and several special sessions on biomathematics at international conferences. The group participates and organizes also management meetings of national and international projects.
The dissemination of the results of our work is vast, with regularly seminar presentations for international scientific audiences. Our team has a large record of scientific articles published in international applied mathematical journals, and several publications as book chapters and refereed conference proceedings with international circulation, as well as giving invited and plenary talks at international conferences.
Uptaded information at: