2022 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Fortz, B., Gouveia, L., Moura, P. | A comparison of node-based and arc-based hop-indexed formulations for the Steiner tree problem with hop constraints | Networks, 80 (2) | pp. 178–192, 2022 |
Bernardino, R., Gouveia, L., Paias, A., Santos, D. | The multi-depot family traveling salesman problem and clustered variants: Mathematical formulations and branch-&-cut based methods | Networks, 89 (4) | pp. 502-571, 2022 |
Bernardino, R., Paias, A. | The family traveling salesman problem with incompatibility constraints | Networks, 79 (1) | pp. 47-82, 2022 |
Gouveia, L., Paias A., Ponte, M. | The travelling salesman problem with positional consistency constraints: An application to healthcare services | European Journal of Operational Research | 2022 |
Martins, I., Alvelos, F., Cerveira, A., Kašpar, J. and Marušák, R., | Solving a harvest scheduling optimization problem with constraints on clearcut area and clearcut proximity | International Transactions in Operational Research | 2022 |
J. Janela, M.C. Mourão, L.S. Pinto | Arc routing with trip-balancing and attractiveness measures — A waste collection case study | Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 147 | 105934, 2022 |
R. Ferreira, V. Móra, M.C. Mourão, M. Moz, L.S. Pinto, J. Ribeiro | Arc Routing for Parking Enforcement Officers: Exact and heuristic solutions” | European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 229, Issue 1 | pp. 283-301, 2022 |
Ferreira, B., Carriço, N., Barreira, R., Dias, T., Covas, D. | Flowrate Time Series Processing in Engineering Tools for Water Distribution Networks | Water Resources Research, 58 (6) | 2022 |
Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama | Facility Location in Logistics and transportation: An enduring replationship | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 166 | 102903, 2022 |
Yuchen Li, Zixiang Li, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama | New approaches for rebalancing an assembly line with disruptions | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 35 | pp.1059–1076, 2022 |
Javier Alcaraz, Laura Anton-Sanchez, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama | Bi-objective Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Time-Dependent Resource Costs | Journal of Manufacturing System 63 | pp. 506–523, 2022 |
Bowen Zhang, Xiang Li, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama | Free-floating bike-sharing systems: new repositioning rules, optimization models and solution algorithms | Information Sciences, 600 | pp.239–262, 2022 |
Mesquita, M., Marques, S., Marques, M, Marto, M., Constantino M., Borges J.G. | An optimization approach to design forest road networks and plan timber transportation | Operational Research, vol. 22 | pp. 2973–3001, 2022 |
A. A. Filho, H. O. Florentino, M. V. Pato, S. C. Poltroniere, J. F. S. Costa | Exact and heuristic methods to solve a bi-objective problem of sustainable cultivation | Annals of Operations Research 314 | pp. 347–376, 2022 |
Ariel Uribe-Rodriguez, Pedro M. Castro, Benoît Chachuat, Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez | Lagrangean Decomposition for Integrated Refinery-Petrochemical Short-term Planning | Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, vol 49 | pp. 583-588, 2022 |
Pedro M. Castro, Qi Liao, Yongtu Liang | Comparison of mixed-integer relaxations with linear and logarithmic partitioning schemes for quadratically constrained problems | Optimization and Engineering 23 | pp. 717-747, 2022 |
Book chapter:
P. Teixeira, J. L. Miranda and M. V. Pato | The European survey on OR/MS Education: statistical analysis addressing the lecturing modules | in “New Perspectives in Operations Research and Management Science - Essays in Honor of Fusun Ulengin”, Y. Topcu, S. Ekia, O. Kabak, E. Aktas, O. Ozaydin (eds), Springer “International Series in Operations Research & Management Science” | book series, chapter 12, pp. 293-316, 2022 |
2021 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Bernardino, R.; Paias, A. | Heuristic approaches for the family traveling salesman problem | International Transactions in Operational Research, 28 | |
Gouveia, L., McGarraghy, S., Brugha, C.M. | Introduction to Special Issue | European Journal of Operational Research, 291 (3) | 807 |
Fortz, B., Gouveia, L., Büsing, C., Leitner, M. | Editorial Preface: Special issue on network analytics and optimization | Networks, 77(4) | 475–476 |
Fortz, B., Gouveia, L., Moura, P. | A comparison of node-based and arc-based hop-indexed formulations for the Steiner tree problem with hop constraints | Networks (special issue) | |
Pedro M. Castro, Qi Liao and Yongtu Liang | Comparison of mixed-integer relaxations with linear and logarithmic partitioning schemes for quadratically constrained problems | Optimization and Engineering | 2021 |
Pedro M. Castro | Systematic Approaches for Optimal Scheduling of Straight Pipelines with Batch-Centric Formulations | Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research 60 | 15600-15617 |
Yamin Yan, Pedro M. Castro, Qi Liao, Yongtu Liang | An Effective Decomposition Algorithm for Scheduling Branched Multiproduct Pipelines | Computers & Chemical Engineering 154 | 107494 |
Pedro M. Castro | A piecewise relaxation for quadratically constrained problems based on a mixed-radix numeral system | Computers & Chemical Engineering 153 | 107459 |
Hossein Mostafaei, Pedro M. Castro, Fabricio Oliveira, Iiro Harjunkoski | Efficient Formulation for Transportation Scheduling of Single Refinery Multiproduct Pipelines | European Journal of Operational Research 293 | 731-747 |
Hossein Mostafaei, Pedro M. Castro, Susana Relvas, Iiro Harjunkoski | A Holistic MILP Model for Scheduling and Inventory Management of a Multiproduct Oil Distribution System | Omega 98 | 102110 |
R. Ferreira, V. Móra, M.C. Mourão, M. Moz, L.S. Pinto, J. Ribeiro | Arc Routing for Parking Enforcement Officers: Exact and heuristic solutions | European Journal of Operational Research, 229, 1 | 283-301 |
Chuan Wang, Hongjie Lan, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Youhua Chen | On optimizing a multi-mode last mile parcel delivery system with vans, truck and drone | Electronics | 2021 |
Yuchen Li, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Ming Liu, Zaoli Yang | A risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming model for a joint multi-item capacitated line balancing and lot-sizing | European Journal of Operational Research | 2021 |
Yuchen Li, Zixiang Li, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama | (Data-Driven) New approaches for re-balancing an assembly line with disruptions | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 2021 |
Antonio Diglio, Juanjo Peiró, Carmela Piccolo, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama | Solutions for districting problems with chance-constrained balancing requirements | Omega, 103 | 2021 |
Zehranaz Dönmez, Bahar Y.Kara, Özlem Karsu, Francisco Saldanha da Gama | Humanitarian Facility Location under Uncertainty: Critical Review and Future Prospects | Omega, 102 | 2021 |
Henrique Amorim Almeida, Rita M T Ascenso, L. Ferreira, Eunice S.G. Oliveira | Body morphology of biomechanical students from the Polytechnic of Leiria | in book: Advances and Current Trends in Biomechanics | ISBN 9781003217152 |
A. Paias, M. Mesquita, M. Moz, M. Pato | A network flow-based algorithm for bus driver rerostering | OR Spectrum, 43, 2 | 543-576 |
Angelo Aliano Filho, Teresa Melo, M. Pato | A bi-objective mathematical model for integrated planning of sugarcane harvesting and transport operations | Computers and Operations Research 134 | 2021 |
Mesquita, M., Paias, A., Wise, L. | Optimizing the routes of a research vessel with an hybrid metaheuristic | International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 16, 1 | 58-71 |
Mesquita, M., Susete Marques, Marlene Marques, Marco Marto, Constantino, M., José G. Borges | An optimization approach to design forest road networks and plan timber transportation | Operational Research - An International Journal | 2021 |
Pig Slurry, Sílvia Sousa, Elizabeth Duarte, Mesquita, M., Sandra Saraiva | Energetic Valorization of Cereal and Exhausted Coffee Wastes Through Anaerobic Co-digestion | Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 2021 |
Maria do Rosário Cameira, João Rolim, Fernanda Valente, Mesquita, M., Ulrike Dragosits, Cláudia M.d.S. Cordovil | Translating the agricultural N surplus hazard into groundwater pollution risk: Implications for effectiveness of mitigation measures in nitrate vulnerable zones | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 306 | 2021 |
Proença, C., Neves, M., Dias, J.C. Martins, P. | Determinants of sovereign debt ratings in clusters of European countries – effects of the crisis | Journal of Financial Economic Policy | 2021 |
Martins, P., Martins, F. A. | Launcher nodes for detecting efficient influencers in social networks | Online Social Networks and Media, 25 | 2021 |
Domingues TD, Grabowska AD, Lee J-S, Ameijeiras-Alonso J, Westermeier F, Scheibenbogen C, Cliff JM., Nacul L., Lacerda EM., Mouriño H., Sepúlveda N. | Herpesviruses Serology Distinguishes Different Subgroups of Patients From the United Kingdom Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Biobank | Frontiers in Medicine, 8:686736 | 2021 |
Romagosa M, Pérez-Jorge S, Cascão I, Mouriño H, Lehodey P, Pereira A, Marques TA, Matias L, Silva MA. | Food talk: 40-Hz fin whale calls are associated with prey biomass | Proc. R. Soc. B 20211156 | 2021 |
Carvalho, M., Klimentova, X., Glorie, K.M., Viana, A., Constantino, M. | Robust Models for the Kidney Exchange Problem | INFORMS J. Comput., 33 | 861-881 |
2020 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Bektaş, T.; Gouveia, L.; Santos, D. |
Compact formulations for multi-depot routing problems: Theoretical and computational comparisons |
Computers & Operations Research,124 |
Carvalho, A. S.; Captivo, M. E.; Marques, I. |
Integrating the ambulance dispatching and relocation problems to maximize system’s preparedness |
European Journal of Operational Research, 283(3), |
1064-1080 |
Carvalho, M.; Klimentova, X.; Glorie, K. Viana, A.; Constantino, M. |
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33(3) |
837-1257 |
Castro, P. M.; Ave, G. D.; Engell, S.; Grossmann, I.; Harjunkoski, I. |
Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 59 |
13642-13656 |
Corberán, A.; Landete, M.; Peiró, J. Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review , 38 |
Diglio, A.; Nickel, S.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Towards a stochastic programming modeling framework for districting |
Annals of Operations Research, 292 |
249-285 |
Esgalhado, F.; Batista, A. G; Mouriño, H.; Russo, S.; dos Reis, C. R. P.; Serrano, F.; Vassilenko, V.; Ortigueira, M. D. |
Automatic Contraction Detection Using Uterine Electromyography |
Applied Sciences, 10(20) |
Esgalhado, F., Batista, A. G; Mouriño, H., Russo, S., dos Reis, C. R. P., Serrano, F. Vassilenko, V., Ortigueira, M. D. |
Uterine contractions clustering based on electrohysterography |
Computers in Biology and Medicin, 123 |
Gouveia, L.; Leitner, M.; Ruthmair, M.; Sadykov, R. |
European Journal of Operational Research, 285(3) |
1199-1203 |
Gouveia, L.; Leitner, M.; Ljubić. |
A polyhedral study of the diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problem |
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285 |
364-379 |
Martins, P. |
Planning Production and Workforce in a Discrete-Time Financial Model Using Scenarios Modeling |
SN Operations Research Forum, 1 |
art. no. 25 |
Merkert, L.; Castro, P. M. |
Optimal Scheduling of a District Heat System with CHP Plant considering Pipeline Dynamics |
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59(13) |
5969-5984 |
Neto, T.; Constantino, M.; Martins, I.; Pedroso, J. P. |
A multi-objective Monte Carlo tree search for forest harvest scheduling |
European Journal of Operational Research, 282(3) |
1115-1126 |
Santos, M.; Mouriño, H.; Moita, M. T.; Silva, A.; Amorim, A.; Oliveira , P. B. |
Characterizing phytoplankton biomass seasonal cycles in two NE Atlantic coastal bays |
Continental Shelf Research, 107 |
Uribe-Rodriguez, A.; Castro, P. M. Guillén-Gosálbez, G.; Chachuat, B. |
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 140 |
2019 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Aliano Filho, A.; de Oliveira Florentino, H.; Vaz Pato, M.; Cristina Poltroniere, S.; Fernando da Costa Silva, J. |
Exact and heuristic methods to solve a bi-objective problem of sustainable cultivation |
Annals of Operations Research |
Almeida, M. T.; Brás, R. |
The maximum l-triangle k-club problem: compexity, properties and algorithms |
Computers and Operations Research 111 |
258-270 |
Bektas, T., Gouveia, L., Santos, D. |
European Journal of Operational Research, 276(1) |
40-64 |
Bektas, T., Gouveia, L., Martínez-Sykora, A., Salazar-González, J. J. |
Balanced vehicle routing: Polyhedral analysis and branch-and-cut algorithm |
European Journal of Operational Research, 273(2) |
452-463 |
Burak Kınay, O., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.,Y. Kara, B. |
On multicriteria chance-constrained capacitated single-source discrete facility location problems |
Omega 83 |
107-122 |
Bezerra, S. S., Guerreiro, M. P., Pessoa, N. F., Pereira da Silva, M. G., de Barros, M. G., Ferreira Gomes, J. J., Athayde, M. P., Auad, R. Z., Soares Sobrinho, J. L. |
Phamarcy 7 (2) |
Castro, P. M.; Harjunkoski, I.; Grossmann, I. E.
European Journal of Operational Research 278(2) |
563-577 |
Castro, P. M.; Mostafaei, H. |
Batch-centric Scheduling Formulation for Treelike Systems with Forbidden Product Sequences |
Computers & Chemical Engineering 122 |
2-18 |
Corberán, A., Landete, M., Peiró, J., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 123 |
38-63 |
Cortinhal, M. J.; Lopes, M. J.; Melo, M. T. |
Applied Mathematical Modelling 70 |
572-594 |
F. Almeida, B., Correia, I., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
International Transactions in Operational Research 26(1) |
946-967 |
Fernández, E., Hinojosa, Y., Puerto, J., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
European Journal of Operational Research, 277(1) |
215-226 |
Gouveia, L., Leitner, M., Ruthmair, M. |
Layered graph approaches for combinatorial optimization problems |
Computers & Operations Research 102 |
22-38 |
Li, P., Lan, H., Saldanha-Da-Gama, F. |
A Bi-Objective Capacitated Location-Routing Problem for Multiple Perishable Commodities |
IEEE Access 7 |
136729-136742 |
Liao, Q.; Castro, P. M.; Liang, Y.; Zhang, H. |
Batch-centric Model for Scheduling Straight Multi-source Pipelines |
AIChE J. 65(10) |
Liao, Q.; Castro, P. M.; Liang, Y.; Zhang, H. |
Computationally Efficient MILP model for Scheduling a Branched Multiproduct Pipeline System |
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (13) |
5236-5251 |
Liao, Q.; Castro, P. M.; Liang, Y.; Zhang, H. |
New Batch-Centric Model for Detailed Scheduling and Inventory Management of Mesh Pipeline Networks |
Computers & Chemical Engineering 130 |
Lúcio Martins, C.; Melo, T.; Vaz Pato, M. |
Redesigning a food bank supply chain network in a triple bottom line context |
International Journal of Production Economics 214 |
234-247 |
Lúcio Martins, C.; Vaz Pato, M. |
Journal of Cleaner Production 225 |
995-1016 |
Marques, I.; Captivo, M. E.; Barros, N. |
Optimizing the master surgery schedule in a private hospital |
Operations Research for Health Care 20 |
11-24 |
Marques, T., Jorge, P., Mouriño, H., Thomas, L., Moretti, D. J., Dolan, K., Claridge, D. and Dunn, C. |
Applied Acoustic 156 |
434-439 |
Neves, M. E. D., Fernandes, C. M., Martins, P. C. |
Are ETFs good vehicles for diversification? New evidence for critical investment periods |
Borsa Istanbul Review 19(2) |
149-157 |
Peiró, J., Corberán, A., Martí, R., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Heuristic Solutions for a Class of Stochastic Uncapacitated p-Hub Median Problems |
Journal of Food Process Engineering 41(1) |
1126-1149 |
Santos, R., Martins, J. P., Felgueiras, M., Ferreira, L. |
Binary Classification based on a quantitative variable – an accuracy comparison by simulation |
REVSTAT - Statistical Journal 17(2) |
223-244 |
Authors | Title | Edition |
Mourão, M.C., Pinto, L.S., Simões, O., Valente, J., Pato, M. V. |
2nd edition, Escolar Editora, 304 pages |
Book Chapters
Authors | Title | Edition | Pages |
Laporte, G., Nickel, S., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Introduction to Location Science (chapter 1) |
Location Science (2nd edition), Springer International Publishing |
1-21 |
Correia, I., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Facility location under uncertainty (chapter 8) |
Location Science (2nd edition), Springer International Publishing |
185-213 |
Stefan, N., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Multi-period facility location (chapter 11) |
Location Science (2nd edition), Springer International Publishing |
303-326 |
Domingues, T. D., Lacerda, E., Nacul, L., Mouriño, H. and Sepúlveda, N. |
An Application of Finite Mixture Models to Serology Data from the United Kingdom Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Biobank |
Risk Analysis and Statistical Modelling, Springer International Publishing |
Martins, A. L., Nunes, A. C., Pereira, R., Ferreira, J. C. |
Improving feet solution - a case study |
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer International Publishing |
Editd Books
Editors | Title | Publishers |
Laporte, G., Nickel, S., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. (editors) |
Location Science (2nd edition) |
Springer International Publishing, 767 pages |
2018 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Almeida, B.F.; Correia, I.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the project scheduling problem with flexible resources |
TOP 26 |
283-308 |
Almeida, L.; Respício, A. |
Decision support for selecting information security controls |
Journal of Decision Systems, Sup1 |
173-180 |
Alumur, S.A.; Nickel, S.; Rohrbeck, B.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
A Comparative Study of Exact Methods for the Bi-objective Integer Cutting Stock Problem |
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69 |
91-107 |
Aliano Filho, A.; Carlos Moretti, A.; Vaz Pato, M. |
Modeling congestion and service time in hub location problems |
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 55 |
13-32 |
Bernardino, R.; Paias, A. |
Metaheuristics based on decision hierarchies for the traveling purchaser problem |
International Transactions in Operational Research, 25(4) |
1269-1295 |
Bernardino, R.; Paias, A. |
European Journal Of Operational Research, 267(2) |
453-466 |
Burak Kınay, O.; Y. Kara, B.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F.; Correia, I. |
Modeling the shelter site location problem using chance constraints: A case study for Istanbul |
European Journal of Operational Research, 270 |
132-145 |
Castillo Castillo, P.; Castro, P. M.; Mahalec, V. |
Global Optimization of MIQCPs with Dynamic Piecewise Relaxations |
Journal of Global Optimization, 71 |
691-716 |
Castro, P. M.; Grossmann, I.E.; Zhang, Q. |
Expanding Scope and Computational Challenges in Process Scheduling |
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 114 |
14-42 |
Castro, P. M.; Mostafaei, H. |
Batch-centric Scheduling Formulation for Treelike Systems with Forbidden Product Sequences |
Computers & Chemical Engineering,122 |
2-18 |
Constantino, M.; Martins, I. |
Branch-and-cut for the forest harvest scheduling subject to clearcut and core area constraints |
European Journal of Operational Research, 265(2) |
723-734 |
Correia, I.; Nickel, S.;Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Omega, 74 |
122-134 |
Dunke, F., Nickel, S., Heckmann, I., and Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Time Traps in Supply Chains: is Optimal Still Good Enough? | European Journal of Operational Research, 264 | 813-829 |
Filho, A., Moretti, A., and Vaz Pato, M. |
A Comparative Study of Exact Methods for the Bi-objective Integer Cutting Stock Problem | Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69 | 91-107 |
Florentino, H., Cantane, D., Santos, F., Reis, C., Vaz Pato, M., Jones, D., Cerasuolo, M., Oliveira, R., and Lyra, L. |
Genetic algorithm for optimization of the Aedes aegypti control strategies | Pesquisa Operacional, 38(3) | 389-411 |
Fortz, B.; Gouveia, L.; Joyce-Moniz, M. |
Optimal design of switched Ethernet networks implementing the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol | Discrete Applied Mathematics, 234 | 114-130 |
Gouveia, L.; Leitner, M.; Joyce-Moniz, M. |
Branch and cut methods for the network design problem with vulnerability constraints | Computers & Operations Research, 91 | 190-208 |
Gouveia, L.; Pesneau, P.; Ruthmair, M.; Santos, D. |
Combining and Projecting Flow Models for the (Precedence Constrained) Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem | Networks, 71(4) |
451–465 |
Inácio, P., Gomes, J.J., Airaksinen, M., Cavaco, A. |
Exploring sociodemographic and economic factors that promote adverse drug reactions reporting by patients | Health Policy, 122(3) |
263-268 |
Kinay, Ö.B., Kara, B., and Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
On multicriteria chance-constrained capacitated single-source discrete facility location problems | Omega, 83 | 107-122 |
Kinay, Ö.B., Kara, B., Saldanha-da-Gama, F., and Correia, I. |
Modeling the shelter site location problem using chance constraints: A case study for Istanbul | European Journal of Operational Research, 270 |
132-145 |
Lopes, I., Martins, I., Mesquita, M., Sousa, V.V., and Ferreira-Dias, S. |
Designing healthy ice creams with linear programming: an application using traditional Portuguese products |
Journal of Food Process Engineering, 41(1) |
Lúcio Martins, C.; Melo, T.; Vaz Pato, M. |
Redesigning a food bank supply chain network in a triple bottom line | International Journal of Production Economics, 214 | 234-247 |
Mateus, C.; Marques, I.; Captivo, M. E. |
Local Search Heuristics for a Surgical Case Assignment Problem | Operations Research for Health Care, 17 | 71-81 |
Marín, A., Martínez-Merino, L.I., Rodríguez-Chía, A.M., and Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Multi-period Stochastic Covering Location Problems: modeling framework and solution approach |
European Journal of Operational Research, 268(2) |
432-449 |
Respício, A., Moz, M., Margarida, P., Somensi, R., and Flores, C. |
A shift based approach for multi skill nurse staffing: An application to Brazilian hospitals | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, | |
Respicio, A., Moz, M., Vaz Pato, M., Somensi, R., and Flores, C.D. |
A computational application for multi-skill nurse staffing in hospital units | BMC medical informatics and decision making, 8(53) | |
Saldanha-da-Gama, F.
Comments on: Extensive facility location problems on networks: An updated review | TOP, 26 | 229-232 |
Accepted Papers
Tchorzewski, J.; Respicio, A.; Kolodziej, J.
ANN-Based Secure Task Scheduling in Computational Clouds | ECMS 2018, European Council for Modeling and Simulation | 468-474 |
2017 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Albareda-Sambola, M.; Fernández, E.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Heuristic solutions to the facility location problem with general Bernoulli demands | INFORMS J. Comput. 29(4) | 737–753 |
Bektas, T., Gouveia, L., Santos, D. |
New Path elimination constraints for multi depot routing problems | Networks, 70(3) | 246-261 |
Carvalho, F..; Almeida, M. T. |
The triangle k-club problem | J. Comb. Optim., 33(3), | 814–846 |
Castillo Castillo, P. A., Castro, P. M., Mahalec, V. |
Global Optimization of Nonlinear Blend-Scheduling Problems | Engineering, 3 (2) | 188-201 |
Castro, Jordi; Nasini, Stefano; Saldanha-da-Gama, Francisco
A cutting-plane approach for large-scale capacitated multi-period facility location using a specialized interior-point method | Math. Program. 163 (2017), no. 1-2, Ser. A | 411–444 |
Castro, P. M. Mostafaei, H.
Product-centric Continuous-time Formulation for Pipeline Scheduling | Computers & Chemical Engineering 104 (2017) | 283-295 |
Castro, P. M.
Optimal Scheduling of Multiproduct Pipelines in Networks with Reversible Flow | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 56 (2017), no. 34 | 9638-9656 |
Castro, P. M.
Spatial branch-and-bound algorithm for MIQCPs featuring multiparametric disaggregation | Optim. Methods Softw. 32 (2017), no. 4 | 719–737 |
Constantino, Miguel; Martins, Isabel
Branch-and-cut for the forest harvest scheduling subject to clearcut and core area constraints | European J. Oper. Res. 265 (2018), no. 2 | 723–734 |
Constantino, Miguel; Mourão, M. Cândida; Pinto, Leonor S.
Dissimilar arc routing problems | Networks 70 (2017), no. 3 | 233–245 |
Fonseca, Raquel J.
Capital asset pricing model—a structured robust approach | Optimization and decision science: methodologies and applications (2017) | 385–392 |
Fortz, B., Gouveia, L., Joyce-Moniz, M.
Models for the piecewise linear unsplittable multicommodity flow problems. | European J. Oper. Res. 261 (2017), no. 1 | 30-42 |
Gouveia, L., Leitner, M.
Design of a survibable networks with vulnerability constraints | European J. Oper. Res. 258 (2017), no. 1 | 89-103 |
Gouveia, L., Leitner, M., Ruthmair, M.
Extended formulations and branch-and-cut algorithms for the black-and-white traveling salesman problem | European J. Oper. Res. 262 (2017), no. 1 | 908-928 |
Gouveia, L., Pioró, M., Rak, J.
Preface: static and dynamic optimization models for network routing problems | Networks 69 (2017), no. 1 | 3-5 |
Gouveia, L., Simonetti, L.
Spanning trees with a constraint on the number of leaves. A new formulation | Comput. Oper. Res. 82 (2017) | 257-268 |
Inácio, P., José Gomes, J., Airaksinen, M., Cavaco, A. |
Exploring sociodemographic and economic factors that promote adverse drug reactions reporting by patients | Health Policy 122 (2017), no. 3 | 263-268 |
Lopes, I., Martins, I., Mesquita, M., Valença de Sousa, V., Ferreira-Dias, S. |
Designing healthy ice creams with linear programming: an application using traditional Portuguese products | Journal of Food Process Engineering (2017) | |
Marques, I., Eugénia Captivo, M. |
Different stakeholders' perspectives for a surgical case assignment problem: deterministic and robust approaches | European J. Oper. Res. 261 (2017), no. 1 | 260–278 |
Martins, Carlos Lúcio; Fonseca, Maria da Conceição; Pato, Margarida Vaz |
Modeling the steering of international roaming traffic | European J. Oper. Res. 261 (2017), no. 2 | 735–754 |
Martins, P. |
Integrating financial planning, loaning strategies and project scheduling on a discrete-time model | Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017), no.1 | 217-229 |
Martins, Pedro; Neves, Elisabete |
Corporates' control strategies using network optimization | Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 24 (2017), no. 5 | 1041–1059 |
Mesquita, Marta; Murta, Alberto G.; Paias, Ana; Wise, Laura |
A metaheuristic approach to fisheries survey route planning | Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 24 (2017), no. 3 | 439–464 |
Neto, Teresa; Constantino, Miguel; Martins, Isabel; Pedroso, João Pedro |
Forest harvest scheduling with clearcut and core area constraints | Ann. Oper. Res. 258 (2017), no. 2 | 453–478 |
Respício, A., Martinho, R, Domingos, D. |
Reliability of AAL systems modeled as BPMN business processes | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 291 (2017) | 535-550 |
Ting, L.; Castro, P. M.; Zhimin, L.
Life Cycle Assessment and Optimization of an Iron Making System with a Combined Cycle Power Plant: a Case study from China | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 19 (2017), no. 4 | 1133-1145 |
2016 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Alumur, S. A.; Nickel, S.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F.; Seçerdin, Y. |
Multi-period hub network design problems with modular capacities |
Annals of Operations Research, 246 | 289–312 |
Almeida, B. F. ; Correia, ; I. ; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Priority-Based Heuristics for the Multi-Skill Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem |
Expert Systems with Applications, 57 | 91- 103 |
Bautzer, A.; Gouveia, L.; Paias, A.; Pires, J. M. |
Models for a Steiner multi-ring network design problem with revenues | TOP, 24(2) | 360–380 |
Cortinhal, M. J.; Mourão, M. C.; Nunes, A. C. |
Local search heuristics for sectoring routing in a household waste collection context | European J. Oper. Res. 255 (2016), no. 1 | 68–79 |
Costa, M. G., Captivo, M. E. |
Weight Distribution in Container Loading – A Case Study | International Transactions in Operations Research 23 (2016), no. 1-2 | 239-263 |
Diarrassouba, I.; Gabrel, V.; Mahjoub, A. R.; Gouveia, L.; Pesneau, P.
Integer programming formulations for the k-edge-connected 3-hop-constrained network design problem | Networks 67 (2016), no. 2 | 148–169 |
Fachada, N.; Lopes, V. V.; Martins, R. C.; Rosa, A. C. |
micompr: An R Package for Multivariate Independent Comparison of Observations |
The R Journal 8 (2016), no. 2 | 405-420 |
Fachada, N.; Lopes, V. V.; Martins, R. C.; Rosa, A. C. |
PerfAndPubTools – Tools for Software Performance Analysis and Publishing of Results |
Journal of Open Research Software 4 (2016), no. 1 | 1–7 |
Fachada, N.; Lopes, V. V.; Martins, R. C.; Rosa, A. C. |
Journal of Open Research Software 4 (2016), no. 1 | 38 pp. | |
Fortz, Bernard; Gouveia, Luís
Editorial [special issue on "computational optimization methods in telecommunications''] | EURO J. Comput. Optim. 4 (2016), no. 2 | 123–124 |
Martins, Pedro; Quelhas, Ana Paula
Workforce planning and financing on a production/capital discrete-time model | Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 23 (2016), no. 3 | 507–538 |
Mostafaei, Hossein; Castro, Pedro M.; Ghaffari-Hadigheh, Alireza |
Short-term scheduling of multiple source pipelines with simultaneous injections and deliveries | Comput. Oper. Res. 73 (2016) | 27–42 |
Nickel, S., Reuter-Oppermann, M., Saldanha da Gama, F.
Ambulance Location under Stochastic Demand: A Sampling Approach | Operations Research for Health Care 8 (2016) | 24−32 |
Ting, Li; M. Castro, Pedro; Zhimin, Lv
Models and Relaxations for the Wastewater Treatment Design Problem | Chemical Engineering Research and Design 106 (2016) | 191-204 |
Vermuyten, Hendrik; Lemmens, Stef; Marques, Inês; Beliën, Jeroen
Developing compact course timetables with optimized student flows | European J. Oper. Res. 251 (2016), no. 2 | 651–661 |
Book Chapters
Martins, Pedro
Planning production and workforce in a discrete-time financial model: optimizing cash-flows released | Computational management science | 115–121, Lecture Notes in Econom. and Math. Systems, 682, Springer, Cham, 2016 |
Mostafaei, Hossein; Castro, Pedro M.
Continuous-time formulation for oil products transportation scheduling | Computational logistics | 384–396, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9855, Springer, [Cham], 2016 |
Scholz, T.; Raischel, F.; Lind, P. G.; M. Wächter; Lopes, V. V.; Lehle, B.
A Direct Method for the Langevin-Analysis of Multidimensional Stochastic Processes with Strong Correlated Measurement Noise | Time Series Analysis and Forecasting: Selected Contributions from the ITISE Conference | 3-11, Springer, 2016 |
Edited Books
Gouveia, Luis; Lodia, Andrea; Mahjoub, A. Ridha
Preface [Special Issue dedicated to the Third International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2014)] | Discrete Optim. Discrete Optim. 22, part A, 2016 | |
2015 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Benavent, Enrique; Corberán, Ángel; Gouveia, Luis; Mourão, Maria Cândida; Pinto, Leonor Santiago
Profitable mixed capacitated arc routing and related problems | TOP 23 (2015), no. 1 | 244-274 |
Borges, P.; Martins, I.; Bergseng, E.; Eid, T.; Gobakken, T.
Effects of site productivity on forest harvest scheduling subject to green-up and maximum area restrictions | Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research (2015) | 1851-1891 |
Botton, Quentin; Fortz, Bernard; Gouveia, Luis
On the hop-constrained survivable network design problem with reliable edges | Comput. Oper. Res. 64 (2015) | 159–167 |
Captivo, M. E.; Marques, I.; Moz, M.
ORAHS 2014 – for better practices in health care management | Operations Research for Health Care 7 (2015) | 1-2 |
Castro, Pedro M.
New MINLP formulation for the multiperiod pooling problem | Process Systems Engineering (2015) | |
Castro, Pedro M.
Tightening piecewise McCromick relaxations for bilinear problems | Computers & Chemical Engineering 72 (2015) | 300-311 |
Castro, Pedro M.; Marques, Inês
Operating room scheduling with generalized disjunctive programming | Comput. Oper. Res. 64 (2015) | 262–273 |
Catanzaro, Daniele; Gouveia, Luis; labbé, Martine
Improved integer linear programming formulations for the job Sequencing and tool Switching Problem | European Journal of Operational Research 244 (2015), no. 3 | 766-777 |
Constantino, Miguel; Gouveia, Luis; Mourão, Maria Cândida; Nunes, Ana Catarina
The mixed capacitated arc routing problem with non-overlapping routes | European Journal of Operational Research 244 (2015), no. 2 | 445-456 |
Correia, I., Saldanha da Gama, F.
A note on ‘Branch-and-price approach for the multi-skill project scheduling problem | Optimization Letters 9 (2015), no. 6 | 1255-1258 |
Correia, I., Saldanha da Gama, F.
A note on ‘Branch-and-price approach for the multi-skill project scheduling problem | Optimization Letters 9 (2015), no. 6 | 1255-1258 |
Correia, Isabel; Saldanha-da-Gama, Francisco
Facility Location Under Uncertainty | Location Science (2015) | 177-203 |
Cortinhal, M. J.; Lopes, M. J.; Melo, M. T.
Dynamic design and re-design of multi-echelon multi-product logistics networks with outsourcing opportunities: A computational study | Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) | 118-131 |
Cusack, C.; Mouriño, H.; Moita, M. T., Silke, J. |
Modelling Pseudo-nitzschia events off southwest Ireland | Journal of Sea Research 105 (2015) | 30-41 |
Dario, P.; Mouriño, H.; Oliveira, A. R.; Lucas, I.; Ribeiro, T.; Porto, M. J. |
Assessment of IrisPlex-based multiplex for eye and skin color prediction with application to a Portuguese population | International Journal of Legal Medicine 129 (2015), no. 6 | 1191-1200 |
Ferreira, L.; Constantino, M. F.; Borges, J. G.; Garcia-Gonzalo, J. |
Addressing wildfire risk in a landscape-level scheduling model: an application in Portugal | Forest Science 61 (2015), no. 2 | 266-277 |
Girão-Silva, R.; Craveirinha, J.; Clímaco, J.; Captivo, M. E. |
Multiobjective routing in mutiservice MPLS networks with traffic splitting – A network flow approach | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 25 (4) | 389-432 |
Gouveia, L.; Leitner, M.; Ljubić, I. |
The two-level diameter constrained spanning tree problem | Mathematical Programming 150 (2015), no. 1 | 49-78 |
Gouveia, L.; Lopes, M. J.; de Sousa, A. |
Single PON network desing with unconstrained splitting stages | European Journal of Operational Research, 240(2) |
361-371 |
Gouveia, L.; Martins, P |
Solving the maximum edge-weight clique problem in sparse graphs with compact formulations | EURO J. Comput. Optim. 3(1) | 1–30 |
Gouveia, L; Ruthmair, M |
Load-dependent and precedence-based models for pickup and delivery problems | Comput. Oper. Res. 63 (2015) | 56–71 |
Laporte, G; Nickel, S; Saldanha-da-Gama, F |
Introduction to Location Science | Location Sciece (2015) |
1-18 |
Malheiro, A.; Castro, P. M.; Lima, R. M.; Estanqueiro, A. |
Integrated sizing and scheduling of wind/PV/diesel/battery isolated systems | Renewable Energy 83 (2015) |
646-657 |
Marques, I.; Captivo, M. E.; Vaz Pato, M. |
A Novel Monolithic MILP Framework for Lot-Sizing and Scheduling of Multiproduct Treelike Pipeline Networks | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 54 (2015), no. 54 | 9202-9221 |
Mostafaei, H.; Castro, P. M., Ghaffari-Hadigheh, A. |
Blowup for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with an inhomogeneous damping term in the L2-critical case | Commun. Contemp. Math. 17 (2015), no. 3 |
16 pp. |
Neves, M. E. D.; Proença, C. A. N.; Martins, P. C. |
Interdependence or reaction when the background is the financial crisis: the case of portuguese stock market | Int. Jour. of Econ. Persp. 9 (2015), no. 3 | 5-20 |
Nickel, S.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Multi-Period Facility Location | Location Science (2015) | 289-310 |
Antunes, L.; Gomes, J. J.;, Cavaco, A. M. |
How pharmacist–patient communication determines pharmacy loyalty? Modeling relevant factors | Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 11 (2015), no. 4 | 560-570 |
Book Chapters
Magalhães, T.; Lopes, S.; Gomes, J. J.; Seixo, F.
The Length of Hospital Stay in Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Predictive Model with Laboratory and Administrative Data | New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 353, Springer International Publishing; 2015 |
2014 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Aguirre, A. M.; Méndez, C. A.; Castro, P. M. |
A Hybrid Scheduling Approach for Automated Flow Shops with Material Handling and Time Constraints | International Journal of Production Research, 52(9) | 2788-2806 |
Almeida, M. T.; Carvalho, F. D. |
Two-phase heuristics for the k-club problem | Computers & Operations Research, 52 | 94-104 |
Almeida, M. T.; Carvalho, F. D. |
An analytical comparison of the LP relaxations of integer models for the k-club problem | European Journal of Operational Research, 232(3) | 489–498 |
Antunes, L. P.; Gomes, J. J.; Cavaco, A. M |
How pharmacist-patient communication determines pharmacy loyalty? Modeling relevant factors | Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 11(4) | 560-570 |
Bektaş, T.; Gouveia, L. |
Requiem for the Miller-Tucker-Zemlin subtour elimination constraints? | European Journal of Operational Research, 236(34), | 820–832 |
Castro, P. M.; Grossmann, I. E. |
Optimality-based bound contraction with multiparametric disaggregation for the global optimization of mixed-integer bilinear problems | Journal of Global Optimization, 59 | 277–306 |
Castro, P. M.; Grossmann, I. E. |
Global Optimal Scheduling of Crude Oil Blending Operations with RTN Continuous-time and Multiparametric Disaggregation | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(39) | 15127-15145 |
Castro, P. M.; Grossmann, I. E.; Veldhuizen, P.; Esplin, D. |
Optimal Maintenance Scheduling of a Gas Engine Power Plant using Generalized Disjunctive Programming | AIChE Journal, 60(6) | 2083-2097 |
Castro, P. M.; Rodrigues, D.; Matos, H.A. |
Cyclic Scheduling of Pulp Digesters with Integrated Heating Tasks | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(44), | 17098-17111 |
Correia, I.; Saldanha da Gama, F. |
The impact of fixed and variable costs in a multi-skill project scheduling problem: an empirical study | Computers & Industrial Engineering, 72 | 230-238 |
Correia, I.; Nickel, S.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
Multi-product capacitated single-allocation hub location problems: formulations and inequalities | Networks and Spatial Economics, 14(1) | 1–25 |
Fachada, N.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Lopes, V. V.; Martins, R. C.; Rosa, A. C. |
Spectrometric differentiation of yeast strains using minimum volume increase and minimum direction change clustering criteria | Pattern Recognition Letters, 45 (2014) | 55-61 |
Filho, A. A.; Florentino, H. O.; Vaz Pato, M. |
Metaheuristics for a Crop Rotation Problem | International Journal of Metaheuristics, 3(3) | 199-222 |
Godinho, M. T.; Gouveia, L.; Pesneau, P. |
Natural and extended formulations for the time-dependent traveling salesman problem | Discrete Applied Mathematics, 164 | 138–153 |
Gollowitzer, S.; Gouveia, L.; Laporte, G.; Pereira, D. L.; Wojciechowski, A. |
A comparison of several models for the Hamiltonian p-median problem | Networks, 63(4) | 350–363 |
Gomes, J. J.; Barão, I.; Oliveira,. |
Is It Always Necessary To Take Sample Selection Into Account? | Communications in Statistics - Simulatio,n and Computation, 43(10) | 2739–2745 |
Gonçalves, G. M.; Gouveia, L.; Vaz Pato, M. |
An improved decomposition-based heuristic to design a water distribution network for an irrigation system | Annals of Operations Research, 219(1) | 141–167 |
Gouveia, L.; Moura, P.; Ruthmair, M.; Sousa, A. |
Spanning trees with variable degree bounds | European Journal of Operational Research, 239(3) | 830–841 |
Gouveia, L.; Leitner, M.; Ljubić, I. |
Hop constrained Steiner trees with multiple root nodes | European Journal of Operational Research, 236(1) | 100–112 |
Harjunkoski, I., Maravelias, C. T.; Bongers, P.; Castro, P. M.; Engell, S.; Grossmann, I. E.; Hooker, J.; Méndez, C.; Sand, G.; Wassick, J. |
Scope for Industrial Applications of Production Scheduling Models and Solution Methods | Computers & Chemical Engineering, 62 | 161-193 |
Hinojosa, Y.; Puerto, J.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
A two-stage stochastic transportation problem with fixed handling costs and a priori selection of the distribution channels | TOP, 22(3) | 1123–1147 |
Juan, A. A.; Lourenço, H. R.; Mateo, M.; Luo, R.; Castella, Q. |
Using Iterated Local Search for solving the Flow-Shop Problem: parametrization, randomization and parallelization issues | International Transactions in Operational Research, 21(1) | 103-126 |
Marques, I.; Captivo, M. E.; Vaz Pato, M. |
Scheduling elective surgeries in a Portuguese hospital using a genetic heuristic | Operations Research for Health Care, 3 (2) | 59-72 |
Martins P.; Ladrón A.; Ramalhinho H. |
Maximum Cut-Clique Problem: ILS Heuristics and a Data Analysis Application | International Transactions in Operational Research, 22(5) | 775-809 |
Melo, M. T.; Nickel, S.; Saldanha-da-Gama, F. |
An efficient heuristic approach for a multi-period logistics network redesign problem | TOP, 22(1) | 80–108 |
Scholz, Teresa; Lopes, V. V.; Estanqueiro, A. |
A cyclic time-dependent Markov Process to model daily patterns in wind turbine power production | Energy, 67 | 557-568 |
Book Chapters
Fortz, B.; Gouveia, L.; Moniz, M. |
Mathematical programming models for traffic engineering in Ethernet networks implementing the multiple spanning tree protocol | Combinatorial optimization | 242–254, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 8596, Springer, Cham, 2014 |
Ramalhinho, H. |
A Polynomial Algorithm for a Special Case of the One-Machine Scheduling Problem with Time-Lags | Engineering Optimization 2 | 397-401, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2014 |
2013 |
Papers in international journals
Authors | Title | Journal | Pages |
Botton, Q.; Fortz, B.; Gouveia, Luis.; Poss, M. |
Benders decomposition for the hop-constrained survivable network design problem |
INFORMS J. Comput., 25(1) |
13–26 |
Carvajal, R.; Constantino, M.; Goycoolea, M.; Vielma, J. P.; Weintraub, A. |
Imposing connectivity constraints in forest planning models |
Opererations Research, 61(4) |
824–836 |
Castro, P. M.; Sun, L., Harjunkoski, L. |
Resource-Task Network Formulations for Industrial Demand Side Management of a Steel Plant | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52(36) | 13046-13058 |
Castro, P. M.; Teles, J. P. |
Comparison og global optimization algorithms for the design of water-using networks | Computers & Chemical Engineering 52 | 249-261 |
Cerveira, A.; Agra, A.; Bastos, F.; Gromicho, J. |
A new Branch and Bound method for a discrete truss topology design problem | Computational Optimization and Applications, 54(1) | 163-187 |
Constantino, M; Klimentova, X.; Viana, A.; Rais, A. |
New insights on integer-programming models for the kidney exchange problem | European Journal of Operational Research, 231(1) | 57–68 |
Gollowitzer, S.; Gouveia, L.; Ljubić, I. |
Enhanced formulations and branch-and-cut for the two level network design problem with transition facilities | European Journal of Operational Research, 225(2) | 211–222 |
Gouveia, L.; Riera-Ledesma, J.; Salazar-González, J. J. |
Reverse multistar inequalities and vehicle routing problems with a lower bound on the number of customers per route | Networks, 61(4) | 309–321 |
Gouveia, L.; Salazar-González, J. J. |
Polynomial-time separation of Enhanced Reverse Multistar inequalities | Opererations Research Letters, 41(3) | 294–297 |
Gouveia, L.; Voß, S. |
Editorial [Special issue: INOC 2011 Conference, June 13–16, 2011, Hamburg, Germany] | Networks, 61(2) | 87–88 |
Grasas, A.; Caceres-Cruz, J.; Lourenço, H. R.; Juan, A. A.; Roca, M. |
Vehicle routing in a Spanish distribution company: Saving using a savings-based heuristic | OR Insight, 26(3 | 191-202 |
Juan, A. A.; Faulin, J.; Ferrer, A.; Lourenço, H. R.; Barrios, B. | MIRHA: multi-start biased randomization of heuristics with adaptive lo valign="top"cal search for solving non-smooth routing problems | TOP 21(1) | 109–132 |
Kolodziej, S.; Castro, P. M.; Grossmann, I. E. | Global optimization of bilinear programs with a multiparametric disaggregation technique | J. Global Optim. 57(4) | |
Mesquita, M.; Moz, M.; Paias, A.; Vaz Pato, M. | A decomposition approach for the integrated vehicle-crew-roster problem with days-off pattern | European Journal of Operational Research, 229(2) | 318–331 |
Mesquita, M.; Murta, A.; Paias, A.; Wise, L. | TSP with Multiple Time-Windows and Selective Cities | International Conference on Computational Logistics | |
Mouriño, H.; Barão, M. I. | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the VAR(1) Model Parameters with Missing Observations | Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 | 13 pp |
Neto, T.; Constantino, M.; Martins, I.; Pedroso, J. P. | A branch-and-bound procedure for forest harvest scheduling problems addressing aspects of habitat availability | International Transactions in Operational Research, 20(6) | 795-822 |
Pascoal, M.; Captivo, M. E.; Clímaco, J.; Laranjeira, A. | Bicriteria path problem minimizing the cost and minimizing the number of labels | 4OR 11(3) | 275–294 |
Respício, A.; Moz, M.; Vaz Pato M. | Enhanced genetic algorithms for a bi-objective bus driver rostering problem: a computational study | Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 20(4) | 443–470 |