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Papers in international journals 2019



Aliano Filho, A.; de Oliveira Florentino, H.; Vaz Pato, M.; Cristina Poltroniere, S.; Fernando da Costa Silva, J.


Exact and heuristic methods to solve a bi-objective problem of sustainable cultivation

Annals of Operations Research (2019)



Aliouane, F., Azzam-Laouir, D., Castaing, C., Monteiro Marques, M. D. P.


Second-order time and state-dependent sweeping process in Hilbert space

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 182 (2019)



Almeida, M. T.; Brás, R.


The maximum l-triangle k-club problem: compexity, properties and algorithms

Computers and Operations Research 111 (2019)



Antontsev S.N., Aitzhanov S.E.


Inverse problem for an equation with a nonstandard growth condition

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 60 (2019)



Antontsev S.N., Öztürk, E.


Well-posedness and long time behavior for p-Laplacian equation with nonlinear boundary condition

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 472 (2019), no. 2



Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.


On a class of fully nonlinear parabolic equations

Adv. Nonlinear Anal 8 (2019), no.1



Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.


Higher regularity of solutions of singular equations with variable nonlinearity

Applicable Analysis 98 (2019), no. 1-2



Antontsev S.N., Shmarev, S., Simsen, J., Stefanello Simsen, M.


Differential inclusion for the evolution p(x)- Laplacian with memory.

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2019 (2019), no. 26



Antontsev, S. N.; de Oliveira, H. B; Khompysh, K.


Existence and large time behavior for generalized Kelvin-Voigt equations governing nonhomogeneous and incompressible fluids

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1268 (2019)



Antontsev, S. N.; de Oliveira, H. B; Khompysh, K.


Kelvin-Voigt equations perturbed by anisotropic relaxation, diffusion and damping.  

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 473 (2019), no. 2



Antontsev, S. N.; de Oliveira, H. B.; Khompysh, K. 


Generalized Kelvin-Voigt equations for nonhomogeneous and incompressible fluids.

Commun. Math. Sci. 17 (2019), no. 7



Araújo, A. B., Serranho, P.


On the use of quasi-equidistant source points over the sphere surface for the method of fundamental solutions

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 359 (2019)



Araújo, A. B., Olivero, L. F., Antinozzi, S.


HIMmaterial: Exploring new hybrid media for immersive drawing and collage

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (2019)



Araújo, A. B.


Eq A Sketch 360, a Serious Toy for Drawing Equirectangular Spherical Perspectives

UID per Il Disegno (2019)



Araújo, A. B., Rossi, A., Olivero, L. F.


Boxing the Visual Sphere: Towards a systematic solution of the cubical perspective

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 256 (2019)



Araújo, T.; Göbel, M.


Reframing the S&P 500 network of stocks along the 21st century

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 256 (2019)




Araújo, T.; Neves, D.; Louçã, F.


Networks of intergenerational mobility

Complex Networks and Their Applications VII (2019)



Azzam-Laouir, D., Belhoula, W., Castaing, C., Monteiro Marques, M. D. P.


Perturbed evolution problems with absolutely continuous variation in time and applications

Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 21 (2019), no. 2, art. num. 40



B. S. Bizarro, J., Venâncio, L., Vilela Mendes, R.


Exact conservative solutions of fluid models for the scrape-off layer as the ancestors of plasma blobs?

Nuclear Fusion 60 (2019), no. 1



Baraviera, T., Duarte, P.


Approximating Lyapunov exponents and stationary measures

Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 31 (2019), no. 1



Barroso, A. C.; Zappale, E.


Relaxation for optimal design problems with nonstandard growth.

Appl. Math. Optim. 80 (2019), no. 2



Beirão-da-Veiga, H., Bemelmans, J., Brand, J.


On a two components condition for regularity of the $3D$ Navier-Stokes equations under physical slip boundary conditions on non-flat boundarie

Mathematische Annalen 374 (2019)



Candito, P., Livrea, R., Sanchez, L., Zamora, M.


Positive solutions of Dirichlet and homoclinic type for a class of singular equations J. Math. Anal. Appl. 461 (2018), no. 2 1561-1584


Beirão-da-Veiga, H., Yang, J.


On the energy equality for solutions to Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids

Nonlinear Analysis 185 (2019)



Bektas, T., Gouveia, L., Martínez-Sykora, A., Salazar-González, J. J.


Balanced vehicle routing: Polyhedral analysis and branch-and-cut algorithm

European Journal of Operational Research 273 (2019), no. 2



Bektas, T., Gouveia, L., Santos, D.


Revisiting the Hamiltonian p-median problem: A new formulation on direct graphs and a branch-and-cut algorithm

European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019), no. 1



Bezerra, S. S., Guerreiro, M. P., Pessoa, N. F., Pereira da Silva, M. G., de Barros, M. G., Ferreira Gomes, J. J., Athayde, M. P., Auad, R. Z., Soares Sobrinho, J. L.


The Perspectives of Patients and Health Professionals Regarding the Tuberculosis Control Programme in Recife, Brazil: A Contribution to Evaluation

Phamarcy 7 (2019), no. 2



Buescu, J., Serpa, C.


Fractal and Hausdorff dimensions for systems of iterative functional equations

Math. Anal. Appl. 480 (2019), no. 2



Burak Kınay, O., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.,Y. Kara, B.


On multicriteria chance-constrained capacitated single-source discrete facility location problems

Omega 83 (2019)



Carlen, E., Carvalho, M. C., Loss, M. P.


Chaos, ergodicity, and equilibria in a quantum Kac model

Advances in Mathematics 358 (2019)



Caroccia, M., Van Goethem, N.


Damage-driven fracture with low-order potentials: asymptoticbehavior and applications

ESAIM:M2AN 53 (2019), no. 4



Casimiro, A., Rodrigo, C.


Discrete formulation for the dynamics of rods deforming in space

Journal of Mathematical Physics 60 (2019)



Castro, P. M.; Harjunkoski, I.; Grossmann, I. E.


Discrete and Continuous-time Formulations for Dealing with Breaks: Preemptive and Non-preemptive Scheduling

European Journal of Operational Research 278 (2019), no. 2



Castro, P. M.; Mostafaei, H.


Batch-centric Scheduling Formulation for Treelike Systems with Forbidden Product Sequences

Computers & Chemical Engineering 122 (2019)



Chacón, P. M., Fernández, A., García, P. L., Rodrigo, C.


The problem of Lagrange in discrete field theory

Journal of Geometry and Physics 146 (2019)



Chipot, M.; de Oliveira, H. B.


Some results on the p(u)-Laplacian problem. 

Math. Ann. 375 (2019), nos. 1–2



Cipriano, F., Ouerdiane, H., Vilela Mendes, R.


Stochastic stability of invariant measures: The 2D Euler equation

International Journal of Modern Physics B 33 (2019), no. 17



Corberán, A., Landete, M., Peiró, J., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.


Improved polyhedral descriptions and exact procedures for a broad class of uncapacitated p-hub median problems

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 123 (2019)



Corcho, A., Correia, S., Oliveira, F., Silva., J. D.


On a nonlinear Schrödinger system arising in quadratic media

Commun. Math. Sci. 17 (2019), no. 4




Correia, S.


Finite speed of disturbance for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 149 (2019), no. 6



Correia, S., Figueira, M.


L-infinity solutions of the hyperbolic nonlinear Schrödinger equation and their stability.

Adv. Differential Equations 24 (2019), no. 1-2



Cortinhal, M. J.; Lopes, M. J.; Melo, M. T.


A multi-stage supply chain network design problem with in-house production and partial product outsourcing

Applied Mathematical Modelling 70 (2019)



de Oliveira, H. B; Granja-Martins, F.; Fernandez, H.


Map production and data analysis with local parameters: The case study of the Algarve region

4open 2 (2019), art. no. 27



de Oliveira, H. B; Paiva, A.


Partial regularity of the solutions to a turbulent problem in porous media

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), no. 9



de Oliveira, H. B.


Generalized Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear anisotropic viscosity. 

Anal. Appl. 17 (2019), no. 6



Dinis, B.; van den Berg, I.; Van Nam, T.


On flexible sequences

Acta Mathematica Vietnamita 44 (2019), no. 4



Duarte, P., Klein, S.


Continuity positivity and simplicity of the Lyapunov exponents for linear quasi-periodic cocycles.

Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 21 (2019), no. 7



Duarte, P., Klein, S.


Large deviations for products of random two dimensional matrices

Comm. Math. Phys 375 (2019)



Duarte, P., Santos, M., Klein, S.


A random cocycle with non Holder Lyapunov exponent

Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 39 (2019), no. 8



Edmundo, M., Prelli, L.


The six Grothendieck operations on o-minimal sheaves.

Mathematische Zeitschrift 294 (2019)



F. Almeida, B., Correia, I., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.


Modeling frameworks for the multiskill resource-constrained project scheduling problem: a theoretical and empirical comparison.

International Transactions in Operational Research 26 (2019), no. 1



Faria, T., Oliveira, J. J.


Existence of positive periodic solutions for scalar delay differential equations with and without impulses

J. Dyn. Diff. Equ. 31 (2019)



Faria, T., Oliveira, J.J.


A note on global attractivity of the periodic solution for a model of hematopoiesis

Appl. Math. Lett. 94 (2019)



Fernández, E., Hinojosa, Y., Puerto, J., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.


New algorithmic framework for conditional value at risk: application to stochastic fixed-charge transportation

European Journal of Operational Research 277 (2019), no. 1





Ferreira, F.; Leuştean, L.; Pinto, P.


On the removal of weak compactness arguments in proof mining

Advances in Mathematics 354 (2019)

55 pp.


Ferreira, M. J., Simões, B., Wood, J. C.


Harmonic maps into the orthogonal group and null curves

Math. Z. 293 (2019), no 1-2



Finkelshtein, D., Kondratiev, Y., Lytvynov, E., Oliveira, M. J.


An infinite dimensional umbral calculus

J. Funct. Anal. 276 (2019), no. 12



Finkelshtein, D., Kondratiev, Y., Lytvynov, E., Oliveira, M. J., Streit, L.


Sheffer homeomorphisms of spaces of entire functions in infinite dimensional analysis

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 479 (2019), no. 1



Florentino, C. A. A., B. Gothen, P., Nozad, A.


Homotopy Type of Moduli Spaces of G-Higgs Bundles and Reducibility of the Nilpotent Cone

Bull. Sci. Math 150 (2019)



Francisco Rodrigues, J., Santos, L.


On Nonlocal Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities with Fractional Gradient

Applied Mathematics & Optimization 80 (2019)



Garrione, M., Margheri, A., Rebelo, C.


Nonautonomous nonlinear ODEs: nonresonance conditions and rotation numbers

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 473 (2019), no. 1





Gidoni, P., Margheri, A.


Lower bound on the number of periodic solutions for asymptotically linear planar hamiltonian systems

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 39 (2019), no. 1



Göbel, M.; Araújo, T.


A Network Structure Analysis of Economic Crises

Complex Networks and Their Applications VII (2019)



Gouveia, L., Leitner, M., Ruthmair, M.


Layered graph approaches for combinatorial optimization problems.

Computers & Operations Research 102 (2019)



Li, P., Lan, H., Saldanha-Da-Gama, F.


A Bi-Objective Capacitated Location-Routing Problem for Multiple Perishable Commodities

IEEE Access 7 (2019)



Liao, Q.; Castro, P. M.; Liang, Y.; Zhang, H.


Batch-centric Model for Scheduling Straight Multi-source Pipelines.

AIChE J. 65 (2019), no. 10



Liao, Q.; Castro, P. M.; Liang, Y.; Zhang, H.


Computationally Efficient MILP model for Scheduling a Branched Multiproduct Pipeline System.

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (2019), no. 13



Lúcio Martins, C.; Melo, T.; Vaz Pato, M.


Redesigning a food bank supply chain network in a triple bottom line context

International Journal of Production Economics 214 (2019)



Lúcio Martins, C.; Vaz Pato, M.


Supply chain sustainability: A tertiary literature review

Journal of Cleaner Production 225 (2019)



Marques, I.; Captivo, M. E.; Barros, N.


Optimizing the master surgery schedule in a private hospital

Operations Research for Health Care 20 (2019)



Marques, T., Jorge, P., Mouriño, H., Thomas, L., Moretti, D. J., Dolan, K., Claridge, D. and Dunn, C.


Estimating group size from acoustic footprint to improve Blainville’s beaked whale abundance estimation

Applied Acoustic 156 (2019)



Martins, J., Pinto, A., Stollenwerk, N.


The maximum curvature reinfection threshold

Ecological Complexity 40 (2020), part A



Miranda, F., Francisco Rodrigues, J., Santos, L.


Evolutionary quasi-variational inequalities with constraints on the derivatives

Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 9 (2019), no. 1



Muroya, Y., Faria, T.


Attractivity of saturated equilibria for Lotka-Volterra systems with infinite delays and feedback controls

Disc. Cont. Dyn. Systems Series B 24 (2019), no. 7



Najafi Alishah, H., Duarte, P., Peixe, T.


Asymptotic Poincaré Maps along the edges of Polytopes

Nonlinearity 33 (2019), no. 1



Neves, M. E. D., Fernandes, C. M., Martins, P. C.


Are ETFs good vehicles for diversification? New evidence for critical investment periods

Borsa Istanbul Review 19 (2019), no. 2



Noris, H. B., Tavares, H., Verzini, G.


Normalized solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems on bounded domains Nonlinearity 32 (2019), no. 3 1044–1072


Paiva, A.


New delta-shock waves in the p-system: a distributional product approach.

Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25 (2019), no. 3



Paulo Dias, J.; Oliveira, F.; Tavares, H.


On a coupled system of a Ginzburg-Landau equation with a quasilinear conservation law.

Comm. Contemp. Math. (2019)



Peiró, J., Corberán, A., Martí, R., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.


Heuristic Solutions for a Class of Stochastic Uncapacitated p-Hub Median Problems.

Transportation Science 53 (2019), no. 4



Rashkov, P., Venturino, E., Aguiar, M., Stollenwerk, N., Kooi, B. W.


On the role of vector modeling in a minimalistic epidemic model

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 16 (2019), no. 5



Santos, R., Martins, J. P., Felgueiras, M., Ferreira, L.


Binary Classification based on a quantitative variable – an accuracy comparison by simulation

REVSTAT - Statistical Journal 17 (2019), no. 2



Sarrico, C. O. R.


A nonlinear conservation law with a step function involving the flux: a distributional approach

Journal of Mathematical Physics 60 (2019), no. 9



Sarrico, C. O. R.


Delta shock waves in conservation laws with impulsive moving source: some results obtained by multiplying distributions

Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 60 (2019), no. 2



Sarrico, C. O. R.; Paiva, A.


Distributions as initial values in a triangular hyperbolic system of conservation laws.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (2019), Section A: Mathematics



Scala, R., Van Goethem, N.


Variational evolution of dislocations in single crystals

J. Nonlinear Sci. 29 (2019), no. 1



Scala, R.,Van Goethem, N.


A variational approach to single crystals with dislocations

SIAM J.Math. Anal. 51 (2019), no. 1



Sernadas, A., Rasga, J., Sernadas, C., Alcácer, L., Henriques, A. B.


Probabilistic logic of quantum observations.

Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2019), no. 3



Vasconcelos, V. T., Ferreira, G.


The computational content of atomic polymorphism

Logic Journal of the IGPL 27(2019), no. 5



Vilela Mendes, R.


Commutative or noncommutative spacetime? Two length scales of noncommutativity

Physical Review D 99



Vilela Mendes, R.


Non-commutative probability and non-commutative processes: Beyond the Heisenberg algebra

Journal of Mathematical Physics 60 (2019)




Book Chapters 2019


Correia, I., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.


Facility location under uncertainty (chapter 8)

Location Science (2nd edition). Springer International Publishing (2019), pp. 185--213



Domingues, T. D., Lacerda, E., Nacul, L., Mouriño, H., Sepúlveda, N.


An Application of Finite Mixture Models to Serology Data from the United Kingdom Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Biobank

Risk Analysis and Statistical Modelling. Springer International Publishing (2019)



Francisco Rodrigues, J.Santos, Lisa


Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities with Gradient Type Constraints

Topics in Applied Analysis and Optimisation (CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences), Springer (2019) 



Laporte, G., Nickel, S., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.


Introduction to Location Science (chapter 1)

Location Science (2nd edition). Springer International Publishing (2019)



Martins, A. L., Nunes, A. C., Pereira, R., Ferreira, J. C.


Improving feet solution - a case study

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer International Publishing (2019)



Stefan, N., Saldanha-da-Gama, F.


Multi-period facility location (chapter 11)

Location Science (2nd edition). Springer International Publishing (2019), pp 303--326





Books (2019)


Dinis, B.; van den Berg, I.


Neutrices and External Numbers: A Flexible Number System

Chapman and Hall/CRC (2019), 342 pages



Gomes, D., Sernadas, A., Sernadas, C., Rasga, J., Mateus, P.


A Mathematical Primer on Linear Optimization

College Publications (2019)



Mourão, M. C., Pinto, L.S., Simões, O., Valente, J., Pato, M. V.,


Investigação Operacional. Exercícios e Aplicações

(2019) 2nd edition, Escolar Editora





Edited Books (2019)


Laporte, G., Nickel, S., Saldanha-da-Gama, F. (editors)


Location Science (2nd edition)

Springer International Publishing (2019)



Hintermüller, M., Rodrigues, J. F. (editors)


Topics in Applied Analysis and Optimisation

CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, Springer Nature Switzerland (2019)