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Logic, Geometry and Dynamical Systems

Papers in international journals / books / book chapters / book editors

Authors Title Journal
Buescu, J., Paixão, A. C.  Positive-definiteness and integral representations for special functions Positivity, 25
Buescu, J., Serpa, C. Compatibility Conditions for Systems of Iterative Functional Equations with Non-trivial Contact Sets Results in Mathematics, 76(2)
Dinis, B., Miquey, É. Realizability with Stateful Computations for Nonstandard Analysis Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl (CSL 2021), 183
Dinis, B., Oliva, P. A parametrised functional interpretation for Heyting arithmetic Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 172(4)
Dinis, B., Edmundo, M. , Mamino, M.  Fundamental group in an arbitrary o-minimal structure with definable Skolem functions Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 172(8)
Dinis, B., Jacinto, B. A nonstandard view on vagueness Proceedings of the 13th Panhellenic Logic Symposium
Del Magno, G., Dias, J.L., Duarte, P., Gaivão, J.P. Hyperbolic Polygonal Billiards Close to 1-Dimensional Piecewise Expanding Maps Journal of Statistical Physics, 182(1)
Ferreira, F. On false Heine/Borel compactness principles in proof mining Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12813 
Ferreira, F. The abstract type of the real numbers Archive for Mathematical Logic, 60
Ferreira, F. Princípios de Teoria dos Conjuntos (Cadernos de Lógica e Computação) College Publications, ISBN – 9781848903470
Espírito Santo, J., Ferreira, G The Russell-Prawitz embedding and the atomization of universal instantiation Logic Journal of the IGPL, 29(5)
Florentino, C., Nozad, A. , Zamora, A. Serre polynomials of SLn- and PGLn-character varieties of free groups Journal of Geometry. & Physics, 161
Florentino, C.,  Silva, J. Hodge-Deligne polynomials of abelian character varieties Open Mathematics, 19
Monteiro Fernandes, T., Prelli, L. Relative subanalytic sheaves II Milan Journal of Mathematics, 89
Gowrisankar, A., Golmankhaneh, A. K., Serpa, C.  Fractal Calculus on Fractal Interpolation Functions Fractal and Fractional, 5(4), 157
Mitic, V., Serpa, C., Ilic, I., Mohr, M., Fecht, H.-J.  Fractal nature of advanced Ni-based superalloys solidied on board the international space station Remote Sensing, 13(9)
Serpa, C.  A note on fractal interpolation vs fractal regression Academia Letters, 808
Serpa, C., Forouharfar, A.  Fractalization of Chaos and Complexity: Proposition of a New Method in the Study of Complex Systems Springer Proceedings in Complexity


Nonlinear Analysis and Differencial Equations

Papers in international journals / books / book chapters / book editors

Authors Title Journal
Antontsev, S., de Oliveira, H.B. , Khompysh, K. The classical Kelvin-Voigt problem for incompressible fluids with unknown non-constant density: existence, uniqueness and regularity Journal Nonlinearity, 34(3083)
Antontsev, S., de Oliveira, H.B. , Khompysh, K. Kelvin –Voigt equations with anisotropic diffusion, relaxation and damping: Blow-up and large time behavior Journal Asymptotic Analysis, 121(2)
Antontsev, S., Ferreira, J., Pişkin, E., Cordeiro, S.M.S.  Existence and non-existence of solutions for Timoshenko –type equations with variable exponents Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 61
Antontsev, S., Ferreira, J., Piskin, E. Existence and blow up of solutions for a strongly damped Petrovsky equation with variable-exponent nonlinearities Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2021(6)
Antontsev, S., J. Ferreira  A nonlinear viscoelastic plate equation with p (x, t)-Laplace operator: Blow up of solutions with negative initial energy Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 59
Antontsev, S., Khompysh, K. An inverse problem for generalized Kelvin-Voigt equation with p-Laplacian and damping term Inverse Problems, 37(8)
Antontsev, S., Papin, A.A., Tokareva, M.A., Leonova, E.I., Gridushko, E.A. Modeling of Tumor Occurrence and Growth-III Izvestiya of Altai State University Journal, 4(120)
Kavallaris, N. I., Barreira, R., Madzvamuse, A.  Dynamics of Shadow System of a Singular Gierer–Meinhardt System on an Evolving Domain Journal of Nonlinear Science,31(1) 
Paz, M.C., Santos, S. A.P., Barreira, R.  Processing of high-resolution temporal climate data for daily simulations of a complex agro-ecosystem Revista de Estudios Andaluces, 42
Ascensão, C., Ferreira, B., Barreira, R., Carriço, N.  Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Water Supply Systems Flow Rate Time Series Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability
Barroso, A.C, Zappale, E.   An optimal design problem with non-standard growth and no concentration effects Asymptotic Analysis, 128(3)
Beirão da Veiga, H., Yang, J.  On the partial regularity of suitable weak solutions in the non-Newtonian shear-thinning case Nonlinearity, 34
Beirão da Veiga, H., Yang, J.  On mixed pressure-velocity regularity criteria to the Navier-Stokes equations in Lorentz spaces Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 42(1)
Carlen, E.A., Ulusoy, S.  Dissipation for a non-convex gradient flow problem of a Patlack–Keller–Segel type for densities on Rd, d≥3 Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 208
Carlen, E.A., Holzmann, M., Jauslin, I., Lieb, E.H. Simplified approach to the repulsive Bose gas from low to high densities and its numerical accuracy Physical Review A, 103(5)
Carlen, E.A., Frank, R.L., Ivanisvili, P., Lieb, E.H. Inequalities for Lp -Norms that Sharpen the Triangle Inequality and Complement Hanner’s Inequality Journal of Geometric Analysis, 31(4)
Amorim, É., Carlen, E.A. Complete positivity and self-adjointness Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 611
Bonheure, D., Casteras, J.-B. Román, C.  Unbounded mass radial solutions for the Keller-Segel equation in the disk Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 60(5)
Bonheure, D., Casteras, J.-B., Gladiali, F. Bifurcation analysis of the Hardy-Sobolev equation Journal of Differential Equations, 296
Casteras, J.-B., Mandel, R On Helmholtz equations and counterexamples to Strichartz estimates in hyperbolic space International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021(7)
Dias, J.P. A quasilinear system related with the asymptotic equation of the nematic liquid crystal's director field Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 42(1)
Faria,  Permanence for Nonautonomous Differential Systems with Delays in the Linear and Nonlinear Terms Mathematics, 9
Faria, T. Permanence and exponential stability for generalised nonautonomous Nicholson systems Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 9 
Correia, S., Figueira, M. A generalized complex Ginzburg-Landau equation: Global existence and stability results Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis, 120(5) 
Margheri, A., Rebelo C.,  Zanolin, F. Fixed points for planar maps with multiple twists, with application to nonlinear equations with indefinite weight Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society A, 379(2191)
Chau, O., Petrov, A. Heibig, A., Marques, M. M.  A frictional dynamic thermal contact problem with normal compliance and damage Nonlinear analysis and global optimization, 167
Lopes,N.D., de Oliveira, H.B.   Continuous/discontinuous Galerkin approximations for a fourth-order nonlinear problem Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 97
Azevedo, A., Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L.  Lagrange multipliers for evolution problems with constraints on the derivatives St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 32(3)
Rodrigues, J. F., Santos, L. Correction to: “On nonlocal variational and quasi-variational inequalities with fractional gradient Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 84 
Sanchez, L., Silva, J.G. Remarks on periodic resonant problems with nonlinear dissipation Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Special Issue in honor of Alan C. Lazer
Sarrico, C.O.R. Travelling waves for the Brio system Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31
Sarrico, C.O.R.  The movement of a particle according to the Gurevich-Zibin dark matter model Journal of Mathematics  Physics, 62(5) 
Boto, M., SarricoC.O.R. Distributional profiles for travelling waves in the Camassa-Holm equation Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 35
Vilela Mendes, R. Modular quantum computing and quantum-like devices International Journal of Quantum Information, 19(3)
Vilela Mendes, R., Aguirre, C. Tools to Characterize the Correlated Nature of Collective Dynamics Complex Systems, 30(1)
Vilela Mendes, R. Alternative Quantum Formulations and Systems at the Classical-Quantum Border Book chapter in "From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations. ICPS 2017 - 2019", Bernardin, C., Golse, F., Gonçalves, P., Ricci, V., Soares, A.J. (eds)
Vilela Mendes, R. O planeta humano: sustentabilidade e governabilidade Book chapter in "Complexidade: Implicações e políticas globais
Xavier, M., Van Goethem, N.  Brittle fracture on plates governed by topological derivatives Engineering Computations 


Operations Research and Optimization

Papers in international journals / books / book chapters / book editors

Authors Title Journal
Castro, P.M., Qi Liao, Yongtu Liang  Comparison of mixed-integer relaxations with linear and logarithmic partitioning schemes for quadratically constrained problems Optimization and Engineering
Castro, P.M. Systematic Approaches for Optimal Scheduling of Straight Pipelines with Batch-Centric Formulations Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 60
Yamin Yan, Castro, P.M., Qi Liao, Yongtu Liang  An Effective Decomposition Algorithm for Scheduling Branched Multiproduct Pipelines Computers & Chemical Engineering, 154
Castro, P.M. A piecewise relaxation for quadratically constrained problems based on a mixed-radix numeral system Computers & Chemical Engineering, 153
Mostafaei, H., Castro, P.M., Oliveira, F., Harjunkoski, I.  Efficient Formulation for Transportation Scheduling of Single Refinery Multiproduct Pipelines European Journal of Operational Research, 293
Mostafaei, H., Castro, P.M., Relvas, S., Harjunkoski, I.  A Holistic MILP Model for Scheduling and Inventory Management of a Multiproduct Oil Distribution System Omega, 98
Carvalho, M., Klimentova, X., Glorie, K.M., Viana, A., Constantino, M. Robust Models for the Kidney Exchange Problem INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33
Henrique A., Ascenso, R., Ferreira, L., Oliveira, E. Body morphology of biomechanical students from the Polytechnic of Leiria Book chapter in "Advances and Current Trends in Biomechanics"
Gouveia, L., McGarraghy, S., Brugha, C.M. Introduction to Special Issue European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3)
Fortz, B., Gouveia, L., Büsing, C., Leitner, M. Editorial Preface: Special issue on network analytics and optimization Networks, 77(4)
Fortz, B., Gouveia, L., Moura, P. A comparison of node-based and arc-based hop-indexed formulations for the Steiner tree problem with hop constraints Networks (special issue)
Proença, C., Neves, M., Dias, J.C. Martins, P. Determinants of sovereign debt ratings in clusters of European countries – effects of the crisis Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 14(3)
Martins, P., Martins, F. A. Launcher nodes for detecting efficient influencers in social networks Online Social Networks and Media, 25
Mesquita, M., Paias, A., Wise, L.  Optimizing the routes of a research vessel with an hybrid metaheuristic International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 16(1)
Mesquita, M., Marques, M., Marques, M., Marto, M., Constantino, M., Borges, J.G.  An optimization approach to design forest road networks and plan timber transportation Operational Research, 22
Slurry, P., Sousa, S., Duarte, E., Mesquita, M., Saraiva , S. Energetic Valorization of Cereal and Exhausted Coffee Wastes Through Anaerobic Co-digestion Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5
Cameira, M.R., Rolim, J., Valente, F., Mesquita, M., Dragosits, U., Cordovil, C.M.S. Translating the agricultural N surplus hazard into groundwater pollution risk: Implications for effectiveness of mitigation measures in nitrate vulnerable zones Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 306
Ferreira, R., Móra, V., Mourão, M.C., Moz, M., Pinto, L.S., Ribeiro, J. Arc Routing for Parking Enforcement Officers: Exact and heuristic solutions European Journal of Operational Research, 229(1)
Domingues T.D., Grabowska A.D., Lee J.-S., Ameijeiras-Alonso J., Westermeier F., Scheibenbogen C., Cliff J.M.., Nacul L., Lacerda E.M., Mouriño H., Sepúlveda N.  Herpesviruses Serology Distinguishes Different Subgroups of Patients From the United Kingdom Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Biobank Frontiers in Medicine, 8
Romagosa M., Pérez-Jorge S., Cascão .I, Mouriño H., Lehodey P., Pereira A., Marques T.A., Matias L., Silva M.A.  Food talk: 40-Hz fin whale calls are associated with prey biomass Proceedings of the Royal Socieaty B, 288
Bernardino, R.; Paias, A. Heuristic approaches for the family traveling salesman problem International Transactions in Operational Research, 28
Paias, A., Mesquita, M. , Moz, M., Pato, M. A network flow-based algorithm for bus driver rerostering OR Spectrum, 43(2)
Aliano Filho, A., Melo, T.,  Pato, M. A bi-objective mathematical model for integrated planning of sugarcane harvesting and transport operations Computers and Operations Research, 134
Wang, C., Lan, H., Saldanha-da-Gama, F., Chen, Y. On optimizing a multi-mode last mile parcel delivery system with vans, truck and drone Electronics, 10(20)
Li, Y., Saldanha-da-Gama, F., Liu, M., Yang, Z A risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming model for a joint multi-item capacitated line balancing and lot-sizing European Journal of Operational Research
Li, Y., Li, Z, Saldanha-da-Gama, F. (Data-Driven) New approaches for re-balancing an assembly line with disruptions International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Diglio, A., Peiró, J., Piccolo, C., Saldanha-da-Gama, F., Solutions for districting problems with chance-constrained balancing requirements Omega, 103
Dönmez, Z., Kara, B.Y., Karsu, O, Saldanha-da-Gama, F., Humanitarian Facility Location under Uncertainty: Critical Review and Future Prospects Omega, 102