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Integrability and Moduli - a conference in honor of Leon Takhtajan

Lisbon, 8-12 July 2024 (satellite of ECM 2024)


Atlantic Journey on Mathematics and Music

Forte de São João Batista, Berlenga, 22 June 2024


LxDS Spring School 2024

ISEG, University of Lisbon, 27-29 May 2024


Workshops and Conferences

2024           2023          2022          2021          2020          2019          2018          2017          2016          2015


Open Meetings 

The purpose of the CMAFcIO Open Meetings is to give visibility to the work of the members of this Research Unit, as well as that of colleagues from related areas belonging to other Research Units, and to promote, as far as possible, the interaction between its participants.

July, 2023  |  January, 2022  | September, 2020


Workshops on Combinatorial Optimization