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Date Speaker Affiliation Title
3 June 2024 Wolfgang Forg-Rob Universitat Innsbruck A short remark to a problem on divided differences
10 April 2024 Alexandre Tavares Baraviera Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Some dynamics on binary trees
6 Mar 2024 Reza Mohammadpour Upssala University Restricted variational principle of Lyapunov exponents for typical cocycles
8 Jan 2024 Luciana Silva Salgado Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Geometric and ergodic aspects of nonuniformly hyperbolic flows
27 Nov 2023 Romain Aimino Centro de Matemática, Univ. Porto Stable Laws for Random Dynamical Systems
23 Feb 2022 Aline Melo Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Uniform convergence rate for Birkhoff means of certain uniquely ergodic toral maps
23 Feb 2022 Marcelo Durães Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) Hölder continuity for Lyapunov exponents of random linear cocycles
6 Oct 2021 Pedro Tiago Soares ISEG Heteroclinic networks in coupled cell systems
21 Sep 2021 Fabio Armando Tal Universidade de São Paulo Zero entropy area preserving homeomorphisms on surfaces
1 Out 2020 Luís Pereira Instituto Superior Técnico The small divisors problem in the quantum Kicked Rotator (III)
24 Set 2020 Luís Pereira Instituto Superior Técnico The small divisors problem in the quantum Kicked Rotator (II)
17 Set 2020 Luís Pereira Instituto Superior Técnico The small divisors problem in the quantum Kicked Rotator
17 Jan 2020 Alexandre Tavares Baraviera  Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Non-hyperciclicity for certain  classes of linear dynamical systems
18 Nov 2019 Silvius Klein Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Localization for discrete, one-dimensional Schrödinger type operators via  large deviations
27 Sep 2019 Bernardo San Matrin Universidad Católica del Norte> The Rovella attractor is asymptotically sectional-hyperbolic 
22 May 2019 Jaqueline Siqueira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Equilibrium states for non-uniformly  hyperbolic maps: statistical  properties, joint continuity and  analyticity of the potential 
22 May 2019 Silvius Klein Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Uniform convergence rate for Birkhoff  means of certain uniquely ergodic  toral maps 
16 Jan 2019 Alexandre T. Baraviera Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Some fixed points for a dynamical system on a probability space
5 Dez 2018 Benito Pires Universidade de São Paulo Symbolic dynamics of piecewise contractions
26 Sep 2018 Bernardo San Martin Universidad Católica del Norte Asymptotically sectional-hyperbolic attractors
19 Sep 2018 Pedro Duarte FCUL A Survey on Lyapunov exponents

28 Fev  2018

Muhammad Ali Khan FCUP Statistical Instability for Rovella Maps   

31 Jan 2018

Alexandre Baraviera Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Sul Phase transitions for KMS states in the Cuntz c-star algebra

5 Dez 2017

Mauricio Poletti Université Paris 13 Openness of positive Lyapunov exponents for Linear cocycles over partially hyperbolic maps

30 Jun 2017

Rui Alberto Pimenta Rodrigues Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova Neural Networks: recent advances - Deep learning - and some (mathematical ?) problems

26 Mai 2017

Paolo Gidoni CMAFcIO - Universidade de Lisboa The notion of twist: from the Poincaré-Birkhoff Theorem towards higher dimension

20 Jan 2017

Alexandre Tavares Baraviera Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Some properties of block transformation maps
2 Dez 2016

Raquel Ribeiro

Universidade de São Paulo - IME - USP - Brasil Sombreamentos em Sistemas Dinâmicos
7 Out 2016

Alexandre A. P. Rodrigues

CMUP, Universidade do Porto On Taken's Last Problem: times averages for heteroclinic attractors
16 Set 2016

Esmeralda Sousa Dias

CAMGSD and IST, Universidade de Lisboa The geometric organization of the dynamics of some Poisson cluster maps
1 Jul 2016

Silvius Klein

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Continuity, positivity and simplicity of the Lyapunov exponents for quasi-periodic cocycles
22 Abr 2016

Pierre Berger

Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie & Applications, Université Paris 13 On the Kolmogorov typicality of dynamics displaying infinitely many coexisting sinks
15 Abr 2016

José Pedro Gaivão

CEMAPRE and ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa Non-differentiable irrational invariant curves and a question of John Mather
1 Abr 2016

Arseniy Akopyan

IST Austria Elementary approach to closed billiard trajectories in asymmetric normed spaces
4 Mar 2016

Jaqueline Siqueira

CMUP, CNPq Brasil On equilibrium states for impulsive semiflows
4 Mar 2016

Vanessa Ramos

CMUP/Universidade Federal do Maranhão Equilibrium States for Hyperbolic Potentials
12 Out 2015

Nuno Luzia

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Quantitative recurrence results for random walks
5 Out 2015

Telmo Peixe

FCUL/ISEG/CMAFCIO Polymatrix Replicators and Lotka-Volterra Systems
17 Abr 2015

Jorge Milhazes de Freitas

Faculdade de Ciências - Universidade do Porto/ CMUP Laws of rare events with convergence rates
26 Fev 2015

Paulo Varandas

Universidade Federal da Bahia Large deviations in dynamical systems
11 Fev 2015 José Ferreira Alves CMUP FCUP Propriedades ergódicas de semifluxos impulsivos
19 Jan 2015 João José Gomes FCUL Maximum likelihood estimation for linear mixed models
19 Jan 2015 Susana Pinheiro   Maximum likelihood estimation for linear mixed models
19 Jan 2015 Diogo Pinheiro CUNY, USA Stochastic optimal control under model uncertainty